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title="Step that should only be run when choosing to use some components directly from their git source code repositories instead of packages.">Install from source
+ Upgrade Version
diff --git a/doc/source/post_deployment/post_deployment.rst b/doc/source/post_deployment/post_deployment.rst
index 7ecff57c..fb6de83d 100644
--- a/doc/source/post_deployment/post_deployment.rst
+++ b/doc/source/post_deployment/post_deployment.rst
@@ -13,5 +13,6 @@ In this chapter you will find advanced management of various |project| areas.
+ upgrade
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/post_deployment/upgrade.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+Upgrading to a Next Major Release
+Upgrading a TripleO deployment to a next major release is done by
+first upgrading the undercloud, and then upgrading the overcloud.
+Note that there are version specific caveats and notes which are pointed out as below:
+.. admonition:: Liberty to Mitaka
+ :class: ltom
+ liberty to mitaka specific note
+.. admonition:: Mitaka to Newton
+ :class: mton
+ mitaka to newton specific note
+.. note::
+ You can use the "Limit Environment Specific Content" in the left hand nav
+ bar to restrict content to the upgrade you are performing.
+.. note::
+ Generic upgrade testing cannot cover all possible deployment
+ configurations. Before performing the upgrade in production, test
+ it in a matching staging environment, and create a backup of the
+ production environment.
+Upgrading the Undercloud
+1. Disable the old OpenStack release repositories and enable new
+ release repositories on the undercloud:
+ .. admonition:: Liberty to Mitaka
+ :class: ltom
+ ::
+ export CURRENT_VERSION=liberty
+ export NEW_VERSION=mitaka
+ .. admonition:: Mitaka to Newton
+ :class: mton
+ ::
+ export CURRENT_VERSION=mitaka
+ export NEW_VERSION=newton
+ Backup and disable current repos. Note that the repository files might be
+ named differently depending on your installation::
+ mkdir /home/stack/REPOBACKUP
+ sudo mv /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean* /home/stack/REPOBACKUP/
+ Get and enable new repos for `NEW_VERSION`:
+.. include:: ../repositories.txt
+2. Run undercloud upgrade:
+ .. admonition:: Liberty to Mitaka
+ :class: ltom
+ For liberty to mitaka upgrades we need to manually update
+ mariadb including a database backup/restore::
+ mysqldump -u root --flush-privileges --single-transaction --all-databases > /home/stack/backup.sql
+ sudo systemctl stop mariadb
+ sudo mv /var/lib/mysql /home/stack/mysql-backup
+ sudo yum -y update mariadb
+ sudo systemctl start mariadb
+ mysql -u root < /home/stack/backup.sql
+ The following command will upgrade the undercloud::
+ # TODO: In the future this might be taken care of by tripleoclient automatically
+ sudo systemctl stop openstack-*
+ sudo systemctl stop neutron-*
+ sudo yum -y update instack-undercloud openstack-puppet-modules openstack-tripleo-common python-tripleoclient
+ openstack undercloud upgrade
+ Once the undercloud upgrade is fully completed you may
+ remove the older mysql backup folder /home/stack/mysql-backup
+.. note::
+ You may wish to use time and capture the output to a file for any debug::
+ time openstack undercloud upgrade 2>&1 | tee undercloud_upgrade.log
+.. note::
+ If you added custom OVS ports to the undercloud (e.g. in a virtual
+ testing environment) you may need to re-add them at this point.
+Upgrading the Overcloud
+.. note::
+ The `openstack overcloud deploy` calls in upgrade steps below are
+ non-blocking. Make sure that the overcloud is `UPDATE_COMPLETE` in
+ `openstack stack list` and `sudo pcs status` on a controller
+ reports everything running fine before proceeding to the next step.
+.. admonition:: Liberty to Mitaka
+ :class: ltom
+ **Create the new CephClientKey**
+ If using a TripleO managed Ceph deployment, a new key for the
+ "client.openstack" CephX user needs to be provided. A sample
+ environment file would look like the following::
+ parameter_defaults:
+ CephClientKey: 'my_cephx_key'
+ A proper value for the key parameter can be generated from any of
+ the overcloud nodes with::
+ $ ceph-authtool --gen-print-key
+.. admonition:: Liberty to Mitaka
+ :class: ltom
+ **Deliver the aodh migration.**
+ For Liberty to Mitaka we need to run an extra step in the upgrades workflow
+ after the upgrade initialisation.
+ This is to deliver the migration from ceilometer-alarms to aodh. To execute
+ this step run `overcloud deploy`, passing in the full set of environment
+ files plus `major-upgrade-aodh.yaml`. Note that the `--force-postconfig`
+ switch is needed in order to add the newly created aodh endpoint::
+ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
+ -e \
+ -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-aodh.yaml \
+ --force-postconfig
+.. admonition:: Liberty to Mitaka
+ :class: ltom
+ **Deliver the migration for keystone to run under httpd.**
+ For Liberty to Mitaka we need to run an extra step in the upgrades workflow
+ after the aodh migration.
+ This is to deliver the migration for keystone to be run under httpd (apache)
+ rather than eventlet as was the case before. To execute this step run
+ `overcloud deploy`, passing in the full set of environment files plus
+ `major-upgrade-keystone-liberty-mitaka.yaml`::
+ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
+ -e \
+ -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-keystone-liberty-mitaka.yaml
+#. Upgrade initialization
+ The initialization step switches to new repositories on overcloud
+ nodes, and it delivers upgrade scripts to nodes which are going to
+ be upgraded one-by-one (this means non-controller nodes, except any
+ stand-alone block storage nodes).
+ Create an environment file with commands to switch OpenStack
+ repositories to a new release. This will likely be the same
+ commands that were used to switch repositories on the undercloud::
+ cat > overcloud-repos.yaml < \
+ -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-pacemaker-init.yaml \
+ -e overcloud-repos.yaml
+#. Object storage nodes upgrade
+ If the deployment has any standalone object storage nodes, upgrade
+ them one-by-one using the `upgrade-non-controller.sh` script on the
+ undercloud node::
+ upgrade-non-controller.sh --upgrade
+ This is ran before controller node upgrade because swift storage
+ services should be upgraded before swift proxy services.
+#. Upgrade controller and block storage nodes
+ All controllers will be upgraded in sync in order to make services
+ only talk to DB schema versions they expect. Services will be
+ unavailable during this operation. Standalone block storage nodes
+ are automatically upgraded in this step too, in sync with
+ controllers, because block storage services don't have a version
+ pinning mechanism.
+ Run the deploy command with `major-upgrade-pacemaker.yaml`::
+ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
+ -e \
+ -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-pacemaker.yaml
+ Services of the compute component on the controller nodes are now
+ pinned to communicate like the older release, ensuring that they
+ can talk to the compute nodes which haven't been upgraded yet.
+ .. note::
+ If this step fails, it may leave the pacemaker cluster stopped
+ (together with all OpenStack services on the controller
+ nodes). The root cause and restoration procedure may vary, but
+ in simple cases the pacemaker cluster can be started by logging
+ into one of the controllers and running `sudo pcs cluster start
+ --all`.
+#. Upgrade compute nodes
+ Upgrade compute nodes one-by-one using the
+ `upgrade-non-controller.sh` script on the undercloud node::
+ upgrade-non-controller.sh --upgrade
+#. Upgrade ceph storage nodes
+ If the deployment has any ceph storage nodes, upgrade them
+ one-by-one using the `upgrade-non-controller.sh` script on the
+ undercloud node::
+ upgrade-non-controller.sh --upgrade
+#. Apply configuration from upgraded tripleo-heat-templates
+ This step unpins compute services communication (upgrade level) on
+ controller and compute nodes, and it triggers configuration
+ management tooling to converge the overcloud configuration
+ according to the new release of `tripleo-heat-templates`.
+ Make sure that all overcloud nodes have been upgraded to the new
+ release, and then run the deploy command with
+ `major-upgrade-pacemaker-converge.yaml`::
+ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
+ -e \
+ -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-pacemaker-converge.yaml