# Test: Instance deployment set -e STACKDIR=/home/stack source $STACKDIR/overcloudrc # Load the environment with all the info for floating network source $STACKDIR/environment TIMEOUT=30 INSTANCE_NAME=cirros-1 PRIVATE_NETWORK= # Gateway creation # When the environment is recovering from a previous test it can happen # that neutron is waiting to rejoin its cluster, preventing from creating # new stuff like router. We wait at least 300 seconds before giving up. set +e RUN=1 while [ $RUN -lt $TIMEOUT ] do neutron router-create floating-router if [ $? -eq 0 ] then break else echo "Waiting..." let "RUN++" sleep 10 fi done # If timeout was reached then we need to exit with error if [ $RUN -ge $TIMEOUT ] then echo "It was not possible to create the router, giving up." exit 1 fi set -e # Network and subnet creation neutron net-create floating-network --router:external=True --provider:physical_network $FLOATING_PHYSICAL_NET --provider:network_type flat neutron subnet-create --name floating-subnet --disable-dhcp --allocation-pool start=$FLOATING_RANGE_START,end=$FLOATING_RANGE_END --gateway $FLOATING_GW floating-network $FLOATING_SUBNET neutron net-create private-network neutron subnet-create private-network $PRIVATE_NETWORK --name private-subnet # Router configuration neutron router-interface-add floating-router private-subnet neutron router-gateway-set floating-router floating-network neutron security-group-create pingandssh securitygroup_id=$(neutron security-group-list | grep pingandssh | head -1 | awk '{print $2}') neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --protocol tcp --port-range-min 22 --port-range-max 22 $securitygroup_id neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol icmp --direction ingress $securitygroup_id floatingip=$(neutron floatingip-create floating-network | grep floating_ip_address | awk '{print $4}') echo floatingip=$floatingip #[stack@mrg-06 ~]$ neutron net-list #... #| 6fde7d2a-e2d9-4b0f-a982-b7cbc3244807 | private-network | 31a5ccd5-07bd-4103-a4a3-ab2c6d6148d7 | #... nova flavor-create --ephemeral 0 --is-public True test.small overcloud-instance-test-small-flavor 2048 20 1 private_net_id=$(neutron net-list | grep private-network | awk '{print $2}') wget -O /tmp/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.4/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img projectid=$(openstack project list | awk '/admin/ {print $2}') glance --os-project-id=$projectid image-create --name CirrOS --container-format bare --disk-format raw --file /tmp/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img nova boot --image CirrOS --flavor test.small --security-groups pingandssh --nic net-id=$private_net_id $INSTANCE_NAME #[stack@mrg-06 ~]$ nova list #... #| eb29c1a1-c30e-4f8f-91ea-cec1fd38c088 | $INSTANCE_NAME | BUILD | spawning | NOSTATE | private-network= | #... echo "Waiting for instance $INSTANCE_NAME to come up" COUNTER=1 while [ $COUNTER -lt $TIMEOUT ] do instance_status=$(nova list | awk "/$INSTANCE_NAME/ {print \$10}") if [ "$instance_status" == "Running" ] then echo "SUCCESS" break else echo -n "." fi let COUNTER=COUNTER+1 done [ $COUNTER -ge $TIMEOUT ] && (echo "FAILURE! Instance status: $instance_status"; exit 1) instance_ip=$(nova list | grep $INSTANCE_NAME | awk '{print $12}' | sed "s/private-network=//g") echo instance_ip=$instance_ip #[stack@mrg-06 ~]$ neutron port-list #... #| 61ce215d-3dc7-4873-af73-342620cdc3b6 | | fa:16:3e:8d:8b:8d | {"subnet_id": "31a5ccd5-07bd-4103-a4a3-ab2c6d6148d7", "ip_address": ""} | #... port_id=$(neutron port-list | grep $instance_ip | awk '{print $2}') echo port_id=$port_id #[stack@mrg-06 ~]$ neutron floatingip-list #... #| 624f5256-ee89-438f-8335-904017e74a18 | | | | #... floatingip_id=$(neutron floatingip-list | grep $floatingip | awk '{print $2}') echo floatingip_id=$floatingip_id neutron floatingip-associate $floatingip_id $port_id echo "------------------------------------------------------------" echo "$(date) Instance will be available at the IP $floatingip" echo "------------------------------------------------------------" set +e COUNTER=1 while [ $COUNTER -lt $TIMEOUT ] do ping -c1 $floatingip 2>&1 > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo "SUCCESS" break else echo -n "." fi let COUNTER=COUNTER+1 done [ $COUNTER -ge $TIMEOUT ] && (echo "FAILURE!"; exit 1)