tripleo-operator-ansible roles ============================== These roles wrap tripleo cli functions for use in automation. Requirements ------------ None. Global Variables ---------------- Accross the roles, there are a few variables that can be defined and would be consumed by default. * `tripleo_os_cloud`: (String) OS_CLOUD name to use when a command requires authentication. By default this will be used to populate any role specific os_cloud variable that may be defined. If this is defined, it will take precedence over `tripleo_rc_file`. * `tripleo_rc_file`: (String) File path on the remote system that contains the authentication environment variables that will be used to perform actions that require authentication. Dependencies ------------ None. Example Playbooks ----------------- Example undercloud installation ```yaml --- - hosts: undercloud gather_facts: true collections: - tripleo.operator tasks: - name: Create dummy interface command: ip link add prov type dummy become: true when: not 'prov' in ansible_facts.interfaces - name: Set hostname hostname: name: 'undercloud.localdomain' become: true - name: Configure tripleo repositories import_role: name: tripleo_repos - name: Install python2 tripleoclient package: name: python2-tripleoclient state: present become: true when: ansible_distribution_major_version|int <= 7 - name: Install python3 tripleoclient package: name: python3-tripleoclient state: present become: true when: ansible_distribution_major_version|int >= 8 # This uses - name: Generate undercloud.conf become: True config_template: src: /usr/share/python-tripleoclient/undercloud.conf.sample dest: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/undercloud.conf" remote_src: true render_template: false config_overrides: 'DEFAULT': undercloud_debug: true enable_telemetry: false local_mtu: 1400 local_interface: prov undercloud_enable_selinux: false 'ctlplane-subnet': masquerade: true config_type: ini - name: Install undercloud import_role: name: tripleo_undercloud_install vars: tripleo_undercloud_install_debug: true ``` License ------- Apache-2.0