Marios Andreou dc24575484 Adds overcloud roles generate role - creates roles_data.yaml
Tracked by tripleo squad at [1]. Implements the openstack
overcloud roles generate command to create the roles.yml
file from your THT directory /roles. Tracked by tripleo-ci squad
with [2].

Change-Id: I0352eb5d6c22c7c9bd31e09c295cb052f61c158e
2020-04-09 16:40:38 +03:00


A role to run 'openstack overcloud roles generate' for generation of the roles_data.yaml, from the TripleO Roles defined in the tripleo-heat-templates roles/ directory.



Role Variables

  • tripleo_overcloud_roles_generate_debug: (Boolean) Flag used to enable the debug version of commands. Default: false
  • tripleo_overcloud_roles_generate_generate_scripts: (Boolean) Write out a shell script that can be used to reproduce the command being executed. By default uses the value of tripleo_generate_scripts or False if tripleo_generate_scripts is not defined.
  • tripleo_overcloud_roles_generate_home_dir: (String) Home directory to where the command is run from. Default: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}"
  • tripleo_overcloud_roles_generate_roles_path: Filesystem path containing the role yaml files. By default this is in tripleo-heat-templates/roles.
  • tripleo_overcloud_roles_generate_output_file: File to capture all output to. For example, roles_data.yaml
  • tripleo_overcloud_roles_generate_skip_validate: Skip role metadata type validation when generating the roles_data.yaml
  • tripleo_overcloud_roles_generate_roles: REQUIRED - list of roles to use to generate the roles_data.yaml file for the deployment. NOTE: Ordering is important if no role has the "primary" and "controller" tags. If no role is tagged then the first role listed will be considered the primary role. This usually is the controller role.
  • tripleo_overcloud_roles_generate_os_cloud: (String) OS_CLOUD value to use when running the command. If tripleo_os_cloud is defined, it will be the default. Otherwise the default is ''. This variable takes precedence over tripleo_overcloud_roles_generate_rc_file.
  • tripleo_overcloud_roles_generate_rc_file: (String) Path to the credential file to use. If tripleo_rc_file is defined, it will be the default. Default: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/stackrc"

Output Variables

  • tripleo_overcloud_roles_generate_output: (String) The command standard output.
  • tripleo_overcloud_roles_generate_result: Ansible shell execution results



Example Playbook

Example overcloud node delete playbook

- hosts: undercloud
  gather_facts: true
    - name: Generate overcloud roles_data.yaml
        name: tripleo_overcloud_roles_generate

