Alex Schultz 1486de5d02 Bump molecule version
Latest version changes the file name from playbook.yml to
converage.yaml. Also the lint section isn't necessary because we run
linters seperate.

Change-Id: Id4fd60672576b640c0669bad6112f1259c983a05
2020-02-06 17:25:26 -07:00
2020-01-21 10:12:00 -07:00
2020-02-06 17:25:26 -07:00
2020-01-21 10:12:00 -07:00


A role to run the upgrade of a TripleO undercloud.



Role Variables

  • tripleo_undercloud_upgrade_debug: (Boolean) Flag used to enable the debug version of commands. Default: false
  • tripleo_undercloud_upgrade_dry_run: (Boolean) Flag to add --dry-run to the upgrade command. Default: false
  • tripleo_undercloud_upgrade_force_stack_update: (Boolean) Flag to add --force-stack-update to the upgrade command. Default: false
  • tripleo_undercloud_upgrade_home_dir: (String) Home directory for the undercloud user. Default: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}"
  • tripleo_undercloud_upgrade_inflight_validations: (Boolean) Flag to add --inflight-validations to the upgrade. Default: false
  • tripleo_undercloud_upgrade_log_combine: (Boolean) Flag to combine stdout and stderr in the logfile. Default: true
  • tripleo_undercloud_upgrade_log_output: (Boolean) Flag to log the output to a file rather than show it in the ansible output. Default: true
  • tripleo_undercloud_upgrade_no_validations: (Boolean) Flag to add --no-validations to the upgrade. Default: false
  • tripleo_undercloud_upgrade_poll: (Integer) Number of seconds to wait between checks to see if the upgrade command has completed. This should be set to a value greater or equal to 1. Default: 10
  • tripleo_undercloud_upgrade_timeout: (Integer) Timeout for the upgrade command. Default: 7200
  • tripleo_undercloud_upgrade_yes: (Boolean) Flag to add --yes to the upgrade. Default: false
  • tripleo_undercloud_upgrade_log: (String) Upgrade log file path. Default: "{{ tripleo_undercloud_upgrade_home_dir }}/undercloud_upgrade.log"

Output Variables

  • tripleo_undercloud_upgrade_result: Ansible shell execution results



Example Playbook

Example upgrade execution playbook

- hosts: undercloud
  gather_facts: true
    - name: Upgrade undercloud
        name: tripleo_undercloud_upgrade
        tripleo_undercloud_upgrade_debug: true

