.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode Sections of this template were taken directly from the Nova spec template at: https://github.com/openstack/nova-specs/blob/master/specs/template.rst ========================== MongoDB Backup and Restore ========================== Despite the previous efforts, Trove still does not provide backup or restore functionality for MongoDB. This blueprint aims to support backup and restore for single instances. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/trove/+spec/backups-single-instance-mongodb There is also a previous blueprint that incorporated single-instance backup [7]_. Problem Description =================== Backup and restore capability is important for eventually moving the MongoDB datastore out of the "experimental" stage. MongoDB provides two utilities, mongodump and mongorestore, which work with BSON-based files: efficient, binary equivalents of the JSON data that MongoDB manages. These utilities will be used to provide a standard backup and restore strategy for the MongoDB datastore, equivalent to the MySQLDump strategy for MySQL-based datastores. Proposed Change =============== An initial simple backup and restore strategy for MongoDB will be implemented using the default parameters to the mongodump and mongorestore utilities. For compatibility, it will avoid the new features provided in 3.0 (backups with oplogs) and avoid the options no longer supported in 3.0 (backups taken with direct filesystem access to the database). Configuration ------------- The default values for backup_strategy, backup_namespace and restore_namespace for MongoDB will change to point to the appropriate locations. Database -------- None. Public API ---------- There are no changes to the existing API, but this blueprint enables the use of the backup-create, backup-delete and backup-list CLI commands for MongoDB datastores. Public API Security ------------------- None. Python API ---------- None (empty section added after merging) CLI (python-troveclient) ------------------------ None (empty section added after merging) Internal API ------------ None. Guest Agent ----------- The MongoDB guest agent will be modified to support the new backup and restore strategies. It is currently unclear whether the MongoDB backup and restore tools directly support streaming. There is an open JIRA ticket [5]_, and some unofficial third-party tools exist to support streaming [6]_. This seems to contradict the documentation [8]_ which suggests streaming is supported. If streaming can be implemented and supported it will be used, otherwise backup and restore will fall back to a two-stage process. The backup procedure will use the mongodump command to connect directly to the running MongoDB server and dump the contents of the database onto local storage, or compressed and streamed on the fly, if supported. The backup will be streamed to the container configured in the backup_swift_container configuration option. The restore procedure works in reverse, streaming and uncompressing the backup from object storage back onto the guest, then using the mongorestore command to restore the database, or streamed and uncompressed in-place, if the tools support it. The _perform_restore and create_backup methods are implemented in: trove/guestagent/datastore/experimental/mongodb/manager.py The backup and restore implementation will go in their respective strategy folders: trove/guestagent/strategies/backup/experimental/mongo_impl.py trove/guestagent/strategies/restore/experimental/mongo_impl.py Alternatives ------------ As of version 3.0, MongoDB supports consistent, point-in-time snapshots with the use of --oplog to the mongodump command for single-server deployments. Operations committed after the start of the mongodump command are logged to a separate file, and this file can be replayed with the --oplogReplay parameter to mongorestore. As previous versions of MongoDB, and sharded installations do not support this, it has been left as future work: a subclassed backup/restore strategy could be easily implemented for MongoDB 3.0 guests. In addition, the MongoDB documentation recommends filesystem snapshots as the preferred way to do backups [1]_. This pushes the problem down to the storage layer, and so is currently not implemented as a backup/restore strategy for any datastores in Trove. A spec was previously proposed [2]_ [3]_, and discussed on the mailing list [4]_ but has yet to be implemented. Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: atomic77 Building on previous efforts of: Ramashri Umale , Viswa Vutharkar Milestones ---------- Target Milestone for completion: liberty-1 Work Items ---------- - rebase of last patchset uploaded on Oct 14, 2014 to current upstream trove - change backup/restore to operate on a running MongoDB, as MongoDB 3.0 deprecates --journal and --dbpath for mongodump - review existing test cases for gaps, implement as necessary Upgrade Implications ==================== None. Dependencies ============ None. Testing ======= Test cases used for testing backup/restore for MySQL will be adapted to run against MongoDB. Documentation Impact ==================== The documentation should reflect that MongoDB backup/restore is supported for single instances. References ========== .. [1] http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/backup-with-filesystem-snapshots/ .. [2] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/trove/+spec/volume-snapshot .. [3] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Trove/volume-data-snapshot-design .. [4] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-April/032673.html .. [5] https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/TOOLS-23 .. [6] https://github.com/timisbusy/dumpstr .. [7] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/trove/+spec/single-instance-mongodb-ga .. [8] http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/program/mongodump/#bin.mongodump