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Launchpad Blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/trove/+spec/redis-backup-restore Problem Description =================== Trove instances created with the Redis datastore do not currently have a way to create a backup or to restore from one. This functionality needs to be added. Proposed Change =============== Redis currently has two persistence strategies: RDB [*]_ and AOF [*]_ (both can be used concurrently). The backup strategy is the same for both, however restoring is a little different if AOF is enabled (whether or not RDB is also enabled). Note: All necessary changes are anticipated to be made in the Trove guestagent code. .. [*] Redis DataBase .. [*] Append-Only File Backup ------ The redis-cli utility will be used to create the backup. This process is the same regardless of the persistence strategy configured within Redis. The process will be as follows [1]_: * Determine the directory where the backup files are written. This directory is stored in the redis configuration file (typically /etc/redis/redis.conf) under the dir keyword. At present this location is hard-coded in the redis config.template file, however it could be exposed in the future through configuration groups. * Find the time of the last Redis persistence run, and retain the information temporarily. This is accomplished by executing the LASTSAVE command through the redis-cli, and is necessary to determine when the next run completes (as explained below). * Start a backup using the redis-cli utility. This is done by executing the BGSAVE command. [2]_ Note: If Redis persistence is turned off (it is on by default in the config.template) then enough disk space must be available to write the backup file. * Wait until the backup completes. This is determined by polling using the LASTSAVE command as above, and waiting until the timestamp changes. [3]_ * Compress/encrypt the backup * Stream the compressed/encrypted output to storage in Swift under the database_backups container. If persistence is turned off, the backup file can then be deleted. Restore ------- Restoring a Redis server from backup depends on the persistence method that is running on the server. [4]_ To restore a Redis server from a backup [1]_: * Determine if AOF mode is enabled If AOF is disabled: * Determine the location where backup files are located * Make sure the redis server is not running (stop if necessary) * Remove the existing dump.rdb file * Retrieve the backup from storage * Put the backup into the proper location * Change the ownership to redis:redis * Start the redis server If AOF is enabled: * Determine the location where backup files are located * Make sure the redis server is not running (stop if necessary) * Remove existing dump.rdb and appendonly.aof * Retrieve the backup from storage * Put the backup into the proper location * Change the ownership to redis:redis * Disable AOF in the Redis configuration * Start the redis server * Create a new AOF file * Stop the Redis server * Turn on AOF in the Redis configuration * Start the Redis server Configuration ------------- The default values for the following config options will need to be updated: * backup_namespace * restore_namespace * backup_strategy Database -------- None Public API ---------- None Public API Security ------------------- None Python API ---------- Existing Python bindings are sufficient, and no changes are anticipated. CLI (python-troveclient) ------------------------ Once these changes are implemented, the following Trove CLI commands will now be fully functional with Redis: - backup-create - backup-delete - backup-list - backup-list-instance - backup-show - create --backup Internal API ------------ None Guest Agent ----------- The following files will need to be added to the guest agent, where the corresponding implementation will reside: .. code-block:: bash guestagent/strategies/backup/experimental/redis_impl.py guestagent/strategies/restore/experimental/redis_impl.py The following existing files will be updated: .. code-block:: bash guestagent/datastore/experimental/redis/manager.py No backwards compatibility issues are anticipated. Alternatives ------------ None Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: peterstac Milestones ---------- Target Milestone for completion: Liberty-1 Work Items ---------- The API calls for backup and restore need to be implemented. Upgrade Implications ==================== None Dependencies ============ None Testing ======= No new tests are deemed to be required (beyond the requisite unit tests). The int-tests group for Redis will be modified to run backup-related commands during integration test runs. It would be good if a 3rd party Redis CI could be set up to test Redis integration functionality, but at present this is not available. Documentation Impact ==================== Datastore specific documentation should be modified to indicate that backup and restore of a Redis Trove instance is now supported. References ========== .. [1] Backup and Restore procedure: http://zdk.blinkenshell.org/redis-backup-and-restore .. [2] Create Redis Backup: http://redis.io/commands/bgsave .. [3] How to tell when a Backup is finished: http://redis.io/commands/lastsave .. [4] Redis Persistence: http://redis.io/topics/persistence