Added a new Dashboard Impact section to the Trove spec default document to track the UX changes for new features. Updated existing specs to have the section (so they pass py27). Change-Id: I8981aa8c577b46fea894dd531a98d283880ea9fc
9.1 KiB
PostgreSQL Replication
From version 9.0 onwards, PostgreSQL ships with streaming replication as part of the core product, reversing a long held policy of leaving replication to third-party add-ons such as Slony or pgpool.
This blueprint proposes to support streaming replication since it is shipped with the core product, although a discussion of some of the other PostgreSQL options can be found in the alternatives section.
Problem Description
In order to achieve feature parity with MySQL, Trove should provide support for at least one of the replication solutions for PostgreSQL.
Proposed Change
The standard parameters for enabling replication strategies,
, will be added to point to the
strategy code for PostgreSQL guests.
Public API
As with other datastores that support replication, the create
instance operation will support the replica_of
fields for PostgreSQL guests:
POST<tenant id>/instances
"instance": {
"volume": {"size": <size>},
"flavorRef": "<flavor-id>",
"name": "s",
"replica_of": "<master id>",
*"replica_count": "<n>"*
For guests with pg_rewind
support, the following instance actions are supported:
POST<tenant id>/instance/<instance id>/action
*"detach_replica": null*
POST<tenant id>/instance/<instance id>/action
*"eject_replica_source": null*
POST<tenant id>/instance/<instance id>/action
*"promote_to_replica_source": null*
Public API Security
Python API
CLI (python-troveclient)
As with other datastores that support replication, this will enable the commands:
trove create <inst> .. --replica_of <master_inst>
on PostgreSQL guests. With pg_rewind
support on the guest, failover and reconfiguration commands are
trove detach-replica <inst>
trove eject-replica-source <inst>
trove promote-to-replica-source <inst>
Internal API
Guest Agent
Write-Ahead Log (WAL) and Continuous Shipping
PostgreSQL provides both high performance and crash recovery capability through the use of a write-ahead log. The WAL files are appended to for every change to the database, with periodic checkpoints to purge the logs and integrate the changes into the database files3.
PostgreSQL streaming replication is built on top of the recovery system: a master database operates in continuous archiving mode, sending the contents of its WAL files to one or more slave servers. These slave servers, in turn, operate in continuous recovery mode, "recovering" from the logs as they are received. A slave can be promoted in place of a failed master, and can be configured to support read-only transactions while in recovery mode.
Replication interface
Replication Snapshots
The PostgreSQL guestagent currently provides a backup and restore
strategy which makes use of the pg_dump
commands. These produce logical dumps which
cannot be used as part of a replication system that depends on
continuous archiving. As such, a backup/restore strategy using the
tool is a requirement for replication.
Enabling a master
In order to support hot standby slaves, a PostgreSQL master must have
set to hot_standby, which is the most verbose
mode. Replication is handled through the use of a user that has been
given REPLICATION privilege 4 and has been explicitly
allowed to access the special replication database in the pg_hba.conf
file. After enabling these changes, a configuration reload is done.
Enabling a slave
Enabling a slave requires a recent backup to be restored. Since
streaming replication bootstraps the recovery system, a recovery.conf
file is written to the PGDATA
directory containing the
connection details for the master that should be replicated from. A
restart is required to enable continuous recovery mode.
Detaching a slave
To detach a slave in PostgreSQL means to stop recovery mode. This is
done by writing a special trigger file, configured with the
option in the recovery configuration.
Demote master
To demote a master requires no special action other than to revert configuration changes to their defaults.
Failover and Failback
The failover process in Trove is controlled by the task-manager, but the guest agent must implement functions that allow the task manager to determine the best slave to promote and when it can proceed.
Global Transactions
Standard PostgreSQL does not support an equivalent of the GTID in MySQL, so the combination of host + WAL location5 will be used as a transaction identifier where necessary.
A simple polling mechanism will be implemented to determine when a slave has caught up to the point of a particular change.
Reattaching Slaves
Failback in postgresql is complicated by recovery timelines6 . When a slave is triggered out of recovery mode, it jumps to a new timeline, generating new WAL data into a "fork" of the previous database state. This can be seen in the example of these 24-character WAL filenames:
These represent WAL files 6 and 7, but the 7th file is on a second timeline forked from the first.
When a master is demoted, however, it does not change timelines, and so in order to safely reattach this demoted master to a newly-promoted slave, a timeline resync is required.
This can only be done safely through the use of the tool pg_rewind7. This tool is supported for PostgreSQL 9.4, but must be compiled separately. In PostgreSQL 9.5 it will be shipped with the core product.
For guests that have pg_rewind available, failback can be done, otherwise a manual recreate of another slave from the master is required.
A number of third-party replication options exist for PostgreSQL, including Slony, pgpool-II and a number of commercially-available solutions8.
pgpool-II depends on middleware that inserts itself between the client and the underlying database instances. It provides the benefit of multi-master replication, however conflict-resolution may be required in some cases.
Slony provides master-slave replication using table-level triggers. It has greater overhead on the master database than standard streaming replication, but has the benefit of table-level granularity.
Dashboard Impact (UX)
TBD (section added after approval)
Primary assignee: atomic77
Target Milestone for completion:
Work Items
- implement basic streaming replication
- implement failover-related APIs
- add postgresql-specific hooks as necessary to enable generic int-tests for replication to run against PostgreSQL guests
Upgrade Implications
pg_basebackup incremental backup and restore strategy for PostgreSQL.9
Postgresql-specific hooks to the generic int-test framework will be added as necessary.
Documentation Impact
The documentation will need to be updated to indicate that the PostgreSQL guest supports replication.
By "WAL location" we mean the position in the WAL file, as would be returned by the
system administration function↩︎↩︎↩︎↩︎