# # Files in this directory are automatically added to the devstack # local.conf file, between a specific set of tags. # # Filenames must end with '.rc' to be recognized; sample.rc is # ignored. # # A '\' is required in front of any devstack variables since all # .rc files are parsed first (using eval). # # Meta section headings must be included in each file, such as: # [[local|localrc]] # as the order of inserting the files is not guaranteed. # # All files are inherently included by default - to exclude a file, # add a variable 'FILENAME_IN_UPPERCASE_MINUS_RC=false' in trovestack.rc # For Example: USING_VAGRANT=false (for the using_vagrant.rc file). # # Symbolic links are followed, so additional files can be loaded # by placing them in an external directory and linking it in # local.conf.d (this should allow complete flexibility in setting # up testing options). # For Example: # cd /path/to/trove/integration/scripts/local.conf.d # ln -s $HOME/local.conf.d local.conf.d # cp /path/to/my_conf.rc $HOME/local.conf.d [[local|localrc]] # Put regular devstack variables under this meta section heading. # This section is written out to a file and sourced by devstack, # so it can contain logic as well. # The following section types should only contain ini file style # section headings and name=value pairs [[post-config|\$TROVE_CONF]] [[post-config|\$TROVE_TASKMANAGER_CONF]] [[post-config|\$TROVE_CONDUCTOR_CONF]] [[post-config|\$TROVE_API_PASTE_INI]]