#!/bin/sh # CONTEXT: GUEST during CONSTRUCTION as ROOT # PURPOSE: Install controller base required packages set -e set -o xtrace # The fix to make versions of percona-xtrabackup > v2.2 work with Trove # was put into the mysql guestagent code for Mitaka. There are no current # plans to backport so we need to make sure the guest generated when the # tests are run for Kilo or Liberty get the 2.2 verson of PXB if [[ $BRANCH_OVERRIDE == "stable/kilo" || $BRANCH_OVERRIDE == "stable/liberty" ]]; then PXB_VERSION_OVERRIDE="-22" fi dnf -y install percona-toolkit Percona-Server-shared-55 Percona-Server-server-55 Percona-Server-test-55 Percona-Server-client-55 percona-xtrabackup${PXB_VERSION_OVERRIDE}