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+ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
+ License.
+ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode
+Provide a more dynamic Actions management solution
+Include the URL of your launchpad blueprint:
+Watcher aims at providing an open solution for auditing any pool of resources
+and optimizing it through recommended `Actions`_.
+This blueprint aims at providing a generic and dynamic system for adding new
+Optimization actions that can be used in one or several Strategies to reach
+the Goal_(s) of an `Audit`_.
+.. _problem_description:
+Problem description
+Today, the set of possible `Actions`_ is fixed for a given version of Watcher
+and enables optimization algorithms to include actions such as instance
+migration, changing hypervisor state, changing power state (ACPI level, ...).
+It should be possible to deploy and configure (in watcher.conf) new potential
+Actions and associate each Action to a Python class, without the need to
+redeploy a new version of Watcher.
+Note that even if so far `Watcher Decision Engine`_ and `Watcher Applier`_ are
+packaged in the same Python package, those services may be deployed on separate
+machines. Beyond that, there will probably be a blueprint aiming at having the
+`Watcher Planner`_ as a separate component (today it is included in the
+Watcher Decision Engine).
+This is the reason why, there should be a strong separation of concern
+* Action types definition (input parameters, ...)
+* Actions instantiation of a given Action type
+* Actions scheduling (through Action types scheduling policies, ...)
+* Actions simulation and execution (through some Action handler class)
+Each of these concerns are related to a specific `Bounded Context`_ and the
+objective of this blueprint is to better address each Bounded Context
+independently so that we can update the model and source code of a given
+context without necessarily impacting the other contexts (Micro-Services
+Below you will find a diagram, showing the functional need regarding Actions
+management in Watcher:
+.. image:: ../../../doc/source/images/Watcher_Actions_Management_Functional_Need.png
+ :width: 140%
+You can see that there is a need in Watcher for three main phases:
+* The first phase named "**Define and instantiate Actions for Optimization**"
+ takes place in the Strategies of the Watcher Decision Engine: each
+ `Strategy`_ needs to be able to use and instantiate a set of pre-defined
+ optimization Action types in order to achieve the goal of the `Audit`_.
+ Those Actions are not scheduled within a timeframe at that point.
+ During this phase, developers need to be able to do four things in their
+ Strategy:
+ * describe and register new types of Actions, with a dedicated Domain
+ Specific Language (DSL). Each type of Action should have its own input
+ parameters, name, description, version and target `resource type`_;
+ * create one or several instances of these Action types (i.e. Watcher
+ needs some kind of factory for Actions);
+ * add these Actions to the recommended `Solution`_ as a simple unordered
+ list of Actions;
+ * persist this list of recommended Actions in the `Watcher Database`_.
+* The second phase named "**Schedule Actions in Time**" takes place in the
+ Watcher Planner: the Actions instantiated in the Strategy need to
+ be scheduled so that they do not disturb the `SLA`_ and also because there is
+ some logical order when executing the Actions. For example, you will
+ disable an hypervisor before you start evacuating all instances from it (to
+ make sure that the hypervisor does not receive new initial placement request
+ from Nova). Therefore, the Watcher Planner must be able to take into
+ account some scheduling policies/rules such as:
+ * do not migrate too many virtual machines at the same time in order to avoid
+ network congestion;
+ * make sure there's no more virtual machines on a compute node before
+ powering it off (for energy saving);
+ * live migration is preferred to inactive migration;
+ * ...
+ As a result, during this phase of the Watcher processing, there should be an
+ efficient and extensible way to define those scheduling policies/rules and
+ there should be some implementation which can take them into account to
+ produce the design of a flow of Actions describing the dependency chain
+ between each Action (after Action A trigger Action B, ...).
+ Ideally, the developer should be able to integrate a new "*rules solver*"
+ which could be dynamically loaded in the Watcher Planner according to what
+ is set in Watcher configuration files.
+ Note that this scheduled flow of recommended Actions is what is named an
+ `Action Plan`_ in the Watcher vocabulary.
+ It should also be possible to define error recovery rules which define what
+ must be done whenever an error occurs in the worklow (how many attempts must
+ be done, how often, ...). It should be possible to define error recovery
+ policies for a specific Action or for a wider scope (the whole flow or
+ embedded flow).
+ Both scheduling policies/rules and the design of the flow of Actions could
+ rely on dedicated Domain Specific Languages (DSL) and on a specific "solver"
+ which would be able to take into account those rules.
+ Again, the developers need an easy way to persist scheduling policies/rules
+ and the design of the flow of Actions in the `Watcher Database`_.
+* The third phase named "**Simulate and Execute Actions**" takes place in the
+ Watcher Applier: it consists in executing the flow of Actions built in
+ phase two.
+ This means that there should be some workflow engine system which is able to
+ read the flow description (described with a DSL and stored in the
+ Watcher Database), simulate the execution of this flow and if the
+ simulation is successful, really execute all the Actions it contains
+ in respect with the schedule (i.e. the dependency chain between Actions).
+ This workflow engine should be able to load the implementation (named
+ "**ActionHandler**") of each Action type and do the following:
+ * first launch some simulation method which makes sure all pre-conditions are
+ met before executing the real command and avoid useless rollbacks on the
+ real OpenStack services. The simulation phase could also make sure that all
+ **ActionHandler** implementations are present and that all
+ `target resource`_ exist.
+ * if pre-conditions are met, trigger some concrete command on technical
+ components (most of the time, it will be OpenStack components such as Nova,
+ Neutron,...).
+ * handle error recovery rules
+ In order to do the mapping between Action types used in phase 1 and 2 and
+ **ActionHandler** classes, it must be possible for developer to implement
+ a mapping system which would be loaded dynamically and configurable.
+ The workflow engine should be able to create a current context of execution
+ of the workflow which enables to take some output results from a previously
+ executed Action and inject it as input parameters of the next upcoming
+ Action. This context must be persisted in some database and the workflow
+ engine should be able to resume an interrupted workflow (in the case the
+ Watcher Applier service was stopped for example) from where it was
+ stoppped and not restart it from the zero.
+ Ideally, it should be possible for an operator with an admin role to browse
+ the history of activity of the workflow engine (especially events and alarms
+ regarding executed Actions).
+ The workflow engine should be able to send some notifications (on the Watcher
+ AMQP message bus) whenever the current state of an Action changes.
+Use Cases
+As a developer.
+I want to be able to create and use new optimization Actions_ in the
+optimization Strategies_ (loaded in the `Watcher Decision Engine`_).
+So that I can easily develop new Strategies (for a given optimization Goal_)
+which rely on these actions to change the state of a managed resource and
+without needing an upgrade of Watcher.
+As a developer.
+I want to be able to create workflows in the `Watcher Planner`_ containing
+atomic actions and embedded workflows (made of several actions). Workflows may
+schedule those actions in sequence or in parallel.
+So that I can schedule optimization actions according to some scheduling
+As a developer.
+I want to be able to develop scheduling policies/rules and dynamically add
+those rules without needing an upgrade of Watcher.
+So that I can control how actions are scheduled in a given timeframe.
+As a developer.
+I want to be able to provide new actions handlers as Python class which can be
+loaded in the `Watcher Applier`_.
+So that the Watcher Applier can launch concrete commands to the service
+responsible for managing a resource (most of the time, it will be OpenStack
+services such as Nova, Cinder, Neutron, ... but it can also be any resource
+management service).
+As an operator with an admin role.
+I want to be able to easily install and configure new optimization actions
+without needing to deploy a new version of the Watcher software.
+So that they can be used for a new optimization Strategy that I need to
+Project Priority
+Not relevant because Watcher is not in the big tent so far.
+Proposed change
+Estimated changes are going to be in the following places:
+* in the `Watcher Decision Engine`_:
+ * in `Strategies`_
+ * in the `Watcher Planner`_
+* in the `Watcher Applier`_
+As described in the :ref:`Problem description `, Watcher
+should integrate a new Task/Flow management system which provides a clear
+separation between the three main phases:
+* Define new optimization `Action`_ types and instantiate them in Strategies
+* Schedule Actions in time
+* Simulate and execute Actions
+We could deploy a new version of Watcher each time we need to add new Action
+types but this would impact the availability of Watcher and would lead to a
+much less evolutive and system.
+Data model impact
+The following data object will probably be impacted:
+* **Action**:
+ * there may be some changes in the way we store input parameters
+ of an `Action`_ (probably as an array of key-value pairs) and the unique id
+ of the `target resource`_.
+ * We may also need to store in the database the list of output values
+ returned after the Action was executed by the Watcher Applier.
+It may also be necessary to add some new data objects such as:
+* **ActionType** which would contain all the information related to a certain
+ type of Action:
+ * **action_type**: the unique id of the Action type.
+ * **action_type_version**: the version of the Action type. It would be
+ provided with `SemVer`_ format.
+ * **parameters**: an array of input parameters provided as tuples with the
+ following fields: **(parameter_name, parameter_type)**. The
+ **parameter_type** can be any simple type such as string, integer, boolean,
+ float, ...
+ * **target_resource_type**: the unique `resource type`_ that this Action
+ type can change. It can be any `HEAT resource type`_.
+ * **display_name**: a short human readable name for the Action type.
+ * **display_description**: a long human readable description for the
+ Action type.
+REST API impact
+There will be an impact on every REST resource URLs that starts with
+**/v1/actions/** and that uses the type **Action**:
+* GET /v1/actions/(action_uuid)
+* POST /v1/actions
+* PATCH /v1/actions
+* GET /v1/actions/detail
+The type **Action** will have new attributes mentionned in the previous
+Please look at the `Actions handling in Watcher API`_.
+If Watcher stores new data objects such as **ActionType**, it would be
+necessary to provide new REST resource URLs for managing those objects with
+CRUD operations.
+Note that for creating a new **ActionType** with the API, the user may provide
+the description of this **ActionType** in a file compliant with the DSL that
+will be used for it (i.e. probably a JSON or YAML file).
+Security impact
+In the case a new Action needs to access an OpenStack service (for example,
+Neutron), the **watcher** user under which Watcher Applier is running will
+need to be declared as having a role with enough rights on this service to
+trigger the concrete Action.
+Notifications impact
+Other end user impact
+Aside from the API, here are there other ways a user will interact with this
+* impact on **python-watcherclient**:
+ * will need to find a new way to display the list of Actions and the
+ detailed information about an Action.
+ * will need to be able to handle new data objects such as **ActionType** as
+ well
+Performance Impact
+Other deployer impact
+When delivering a new `Strategy`_, the operator will deploy the following
+* the main Python class implementing the `Strategy`_;
+* the files containing the description of the needed `Actions`_ types (written
+ in whatever DSL is appropriate for this);
+* the files containing the description of the scheduling rules (written in
+ whatever DSL is appropriate for this);
+* the Python Planner class (Rules solver) that will be able to read the
+ scheduling rules and generate a schedule of the Actions. Note that this is
+ optional to deliver a new class here because the new Strategy may rely on
+ a previously deployed Rules solver;
+* the Python classes of each Actions handler needed in the Actions flow
+ to simulate/execute in the Watcher Applier.
+The operator will also need to change the Watcher configuration in order to
+* What `Watcher Planner`_ implementation will be used for scheduling Actions
+* What **Watcher Actions Mapper** implementation will be used to do the mapping
+ between Action types and Action handlers (i.e. Python class loaded by the
+ `Watcher Applier`_).
+* What implementation of the Workflow engine must be used to simulate and
+ execute the Actions flow.
+* What storage backend will be used by the Workflow engine used in the
+ Watcher Applier to persist the current state of the Actions flow.
+Developer impact
+Primary assignee:
+ jed56
+Work Items
+The Watcher team should first study whether solutions like `TaskFlow`_ or
+`Mistral`_ would fit the need. It would certainly avoid long rewriting of
+source code and would even help us anticipate the future needs regarding
+the management/scheduling of `Actions`_ in Watcher.
+Here is the list of foreseen work items:
+* Find an appropriate Domain Specific Language (DSL) for describing a new
+ Action type in Watcher.
+* Implement the factory which is able to instantiate Actions in the
+ `Strategy`_ according to the Action type description.
+* Put the `Watcher Planner`_ classes in a dedicated Python package (not in
+ the `Watcher Decision Engine`_)
+* Add a dynamic loading of the Watcher Planner implementation (via
+ stevedore)
+* Find a generic format to persist the description of the flow of Actions that
+ will be generated by the `Watcher Planner`_ and loaded by the
+ `Watcher Applier`_
+* Provide a default implementation of the `Watcher Planner`_. This default
+ implementation should be very simple and based on priority associated to each
+ Action. Later, more complex implementations can be provided which would be
+ able to read scheduling rules DSL. We may have to benchmark several existing
+ Rules solver implementations.
+* Add a dynamic loading of Actions handlers in the Watcher Applier (via
+ stevedore).
+* Integrate an existing Workflow engine which would be able to load and execute
+ Actions handlers according to the design of the Actions flow produced
+ by the Watcher Planner (i.e. what is called the `Action Plan`_)
+* Add a simulation phase in the Watcher Applier in order to verify that
+ the Actions flow can be executed without errors.
+* Make sure errors are handled correctly whenever an Action fails during the
+ simulation phase or during the real execution of the Actions flow in the
+ Watcher Applier.
+There are some dependencies with the following blueprints:
+* In blueprint named "`Code refactoring using terms defined in our glossary`_",
+ some classes related to this specification (meta-action, primitive, ...) will
+ be renamed or moved to another package.
+* We have to consider the existence of existing workflow management frameworks
+ such as `TaskFlow`_: see blueprint
+ https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/use-taskflow
+We should also have a look to other existing workflow management frameworks:
+ * `Mistral`_: this OpenStack project proposes a Workflow as a service system
+ * `PyUtilib`_: it's a self contained workflow engine, intended to be embedded
+ and developed to automate the processing of scientific workflows.
+ * `Spiff Workflow`_: a workflow engine implemented in pure Python
+ * `hurry.workflow`_: a simple workflow system. It can be used to implement
+ stateful multi-version workflows for Zope Toolkit applications.
+Unit tests will be needed for:
+* the loading of the files containing the description of the needed `Actions`_
+ types (written in whatever DSL is appropriate for this);
+* the loading of files containing the description of the scheduling rules
+ (written in whatever DSL is appropriate for this);
+* the Python Planner class (Rules solver) that will be able to read the
+ scheduling rules and generate a schedule of the Actions;
+* the dynamic loading of an Action handler class inside the
+ `Watcher Applier`_;
+* the Python classes of each Actions handler needed in the Actions flow
+ to simulate/execute in the Watcher Applier;
+* the dynamic loading of a `Watcher Planner`_ implementation;
+* the dynamic loading of a **Watcher Actions Mapper** implementation;
+* the execution of the default provided Watcher Planner implementation
+* the execution of the default provided **Watcher Actions Mapper**
+ implementation;
+* the configuration of different storage backends for the Workflow engine used
+ in the Watcher Applier to persist the current state of the Actions
+ flow.
+* the execution of a simulation phase and the error management during this
+ simulation phase
+It will also be necessary to validate the whole Action management system in
+the existing integration tests.
+Documentation Impact
+The documentation will have to be updated, especially the glossary, in order to
+explain the new concepts regarding `Actions`_ definition, scheduling and
+The architecture description will also need to be updated because:
+* the `Watcher Planner`_ will become independent from the
+ `Watcher Decision Engine`_
+* a new component will be introduced: the **Watcher Actions Mapper**
+* many component implementations will be provided as plugins (Action types,
+ Watcher Planner, **Watcher Actions Mapper**, **ActionHandler**)
+The documentation regarding Watcher installation and configuration will also
+need to be updated in order to explain:
+* howto describe new Action types with the proposed DSL;
+* howto deploy new Action types into Watcher;
+* howto use new Action types in your optimization strategy (i.e. howto
+ instantiate an Action from a given Action type);
+* howto add new scheduling policies/rules in the `Watcher Planner`_;
+* howto build flows of Actions using the proposed DSL;
+* howto add a new Watcher Planner implementation;
+* howto add a new **Watcher Actions Mapper** implementation;
+* howto configure the `Watcher Applier`_: engine implementation, persistence
+ backend, ...
+IRC discussions:
+* Action point related to `TaskFlow`_: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/watcher/2015/watcher.2015-12-09-13.59.html
+* A lot of exchanges regarding Actions and Workflow management in the Git
+ reviews related to the Watcher glossary: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/246370/
+.. _Actions handling in Watcher API: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/webapi/v1.html#actions
+.. _SemVer: http://semver.org/
+.. _stevedore: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/stevedore
+.. _TaskFlow: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/TaskFlow
+.. _Mistral: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Mistral
+.. _PyUtilib: https://software.sandia.gov/trac/pyutilib
+.. _Spiff Workflow: https://github.com/knipknap/SpiffWorkflow/wiki
+.. _hurry.workflow: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/hurry.workflow
+.. _potential Action states: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#action
+.. _Action: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#action
+.. _Actions: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#action
+.. _Action Plan: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#action-plan
+.. _Audit: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#audit
+.. _Solution: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#solution
+.. _SLA: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#sla
+.. _Strategy: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#strategy
+.. _Strategies: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#strategy
+.. _Watcher Applier: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/architecture.html#watcher-applier
+.. _Watcher Decision Engine: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/architecture.html#watcher-decision-engine
+.. _Watcher Planner: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#watcher-planner
+.. _Watcher Database: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/architecture.html#watcher-database
+.. _resource type: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#managed-resource-type
+.. _target resource: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#managed-resource
+.. _Code refactoring using terms defined in our glossary: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/glossary-related-refactoring
+.. _Bounded Context: http://martinfowler.com/bliki/BoundedContext.html
+.. _HEAT resource type: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/openstack.html
+.. _goal: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#goal
diff --git a/tests/test_titles.py b/tests/test_titles.py
index 6905003..afe7f7a 100644
--- a/tests/test_titles.py
+++ b/tests/test_titles.py
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ class TestTitles(testtools.TestCase):
code_block = True
if "http://" in line or "https://" in line:
+ if line.startswith("..") and "image::" in line:
+ continue
# Allow lines which do not contain any whitespace
if re.match("\s*[^\s]+$", line):