This patch update browser from Chrome to Firefox in karma.conf.js because nodejs fails with Chrome browser as not able to access some URL. So let's switch to Firefox browser now then we can use Chrome browser in future once this issue is resolved. It also updates few packages in 'lower-constraints.txt' to fix lower-constraints job. Change-Id: I1467fd00f3746c5c84233f31c8d41609d0345303
156 lines
5.3 KiB
156 lines
5.3 KiB
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var child_process = require("child_process");
module.exports = function (config) {
// This tox venv is setup in the post-install npm step
var pythonVersion = "python3.";
var stdout = child_process.execFileSync("python3", ["--version"]);
pythonVersion += stdout.toString().split(".")[1];
var toxPath = '../.tox/karma/lib/' + pythonVersion + '/site-packages/';
console.log("Karma will check on directory: ", toxPath);
preprocessors: {
// Used to collect templates for preprocessing.
// NOTE: the templates must also be listed in the files section below.
'./static/**/*.html': ['ng-html2js'],
// Used to indicate files requiring coverage reports.
'./static/**/!(*.spec).js': ['coverage'],
// Sets up module to process templates.
ngHtml2JsPreprocessor: {
prependPrefix: '/',
moduleName: 'templates'
basePath: './',
// Contains both source and test files.
files: [
* shim, partly stolen from /i18n/js/horizon/
* Contains expected items not provided elsewhere (dynamically by
* Django or via jasmine template.
// from jasmine.html
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/jquery/data/jquery.js',
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/angular/data/angular.js',
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/angular/data/angular-route.js',
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/angular/data/angular-mocks.js',
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/angular/data/angular-cookies.js',
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/angular_bootstrap/data/angular-bootstrap.js',
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/angular_gettext/data/angular-gettext.js',
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/angular/data/angular-sanitize.js',
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/d3/data/d3.js',
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/rickshaw/data/rickshaw.js',
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/angular_smart_table/data/smart-table.js',
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/angular_lrdragndrop/data/lrdragndrop.js',
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/spin/data/spin.js',
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/spin/data/spin.jquery.js',
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/tv4/data/tv4.js',
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/objectpath/data/ObjectPath.js',
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/angular_schema_form/data/schema-form.js',
toxPath + 'xstatic/pkg/angular_fileupload/data/ng-file-upload.js',
// TODO: These should be mocked.
toxPath + '/horizon/static/horizon/js/horizon.js',
* Include framework source code from horizon that we need.
* Otherwise, karma will not be able to find them when testing.
* These files should be mocked in the foreseeable future.
toxPath + 'horizon/static/framework/**/*.module.js',
toxPath + 'horizon/static/framework/**/!(*.spec|*.mock).js',
toxPath + 'openstack_dashboard/static/**/*.module.js',
toxPath + 'openstack_dashboard/static/**/!(*.spec|*.mock).js',
toxPath + 'openstack_dashboard/dashboards/**/static/**/*.module.js',
toxPath + 'openstack_dashboard/dashboards/**/static/**/!(*.spec|*.mock).js',
* First, list all the files that defines application's angular modules.
* Those files have extension of `.module.js`. The order among them is
* not significant.
* Followed by other JavaScript files that defines angular providers
* on the modules defined in files listed above. And they are not mock
* files or spec files defined below. The order among them is not
* significant.
* Then, list files for mocks with `mock.js` extension. The order
* among them should not be significant.
toxPath + 'openstack_dashboard/static/**/*.mock.js',
* Finally, list files for spec with `spec.js` extension. The order
* among them should not be significant.
* Angular external templates
autoWatch: true,
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
browsers: ['Firefox'],
browserNoActivityTimeout: 60000,
reporters: ['progress', 'coverage', 'threshold'],
plugins: [
// Places coverage report in HTML format in the subdirectory below.
coverageReporter: {
type: 'html',
dir: '../cover/karma/'
// Coverage threshold values.
thresholdReporter: {
statements: 10, // target 100
branches: 0, // target 100
functions: 10, // target 100
lines: 10 // target 100