.. _install: Install and configure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section describes how to install and configure the Messaging service, code-named zaqar. This section assumes that you already have a working OpenStack environment with at least Identity service installed. Note that installation and configuration vary by distribution. .. toctree:: install-rdo.rst Possible Minimum Scalable HA Setup ---------------------------------- Scalable HA (High availability) setup is out of scope in this chapter. For a HA setup, a load balancer has to be placed in front of the web servers. To provide high availability with minimum administration overhead for storage use ``MongoDB`` driver and for transport use ``wsgi`` driver. To have a small footprint while providing HA, you can use two web servers which will host the application and three ``MongoDB`` servers (configured as replica-set) which will host Messaging service's management store and message store databases. At larger scale, the management store database and the message store database are advised to be hosted on different ``MongoDB`` replica sets.