This patch introduces three new queue stats in order to expose a better user experience via control panels. Also included in the changes is a bug fix for calculating timestamp differences, as well as a renaming of 'queue' to 'queue_name' for consistency within the MongoDB driver. Note that there are several remaining stats identified in the associated blueprint. This may be addressed in a future patch. Implements: blueprint extra-queue-stats Change-Id: I31e48a581ccdd014ec97674af0c0dd43c808c42c
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# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Implements the MongoDB storage controller for queues.
Field Mappings:
In order to reduce the disk / memory space used,
field names will be, most of the time, the first
letter of their long name.
import pymongo.errors
import marconi.openstack.common.log as logging
from marconi.openstack.common import timeutils
from marconi import storage
from marconi.storage import exceptions
from marconi.storage.mongodb import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class QueueController(storage.QueueBase):
"""Implements queue resource operations using MongoDB.
Name Field
name -> n
project -> p
counter -> c
metadata -> m
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(QueueController, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._col = self.driver.db['queues']
# NOTE(flaper87): This creates a unique compound index for
# project and name. Using project as the first field of the
# index allows for querying by project and project+name.
# This is also useful for retrieving the queues list for
# as specific project, for example. Order Matters!
self._col.ensure_index([('p', 1), ('n', 1)], unique=True)
# Helpers
def _get(self, name, project=None, fields={'m': 1, '_id': 0}):
queue = self._col.find_one({'p': project, 'n': name}, fields=fields)
if queue is None:
raise exceptions.QueueDoesNotExist(name, project)
return queue
def _get_id(self, name, project=None):
"""Just like the `get` method, but only returns the queue's id
:returns: Queue's `ObjectId`
queue = self._get(name, project, fields=['_id'])
return queue.get('_id')
def _get_np(self):
"""Returns a generator producing a list of all queue (n, p)."""
cursor = self._col.find({}, fields={'n': 1, 'p': 1})
return ((doc['n'], doc['p']) for doc in cursor)
# Interface
def list(self, project=None, marker=None,
limit=10, detailed=False):
query = {'p': project}
if marker:
query['n'] = {'$gt': marker}
fields = {'n': 1, '_id': 0}
if detailed:
fields['m'] = 1
cursor = self._col.find(query, fields=fields)
cursor = cursor.limit(limit).sort('n')
marker_name = {}
def normalizer(record):
queue = {'name': record['n']}
marker_name['next'] = queue['name']
if detailed:
queue['metadata'] = record['m']
return queue
yield utils.HookedCursor(cursor, normalizer)
yield marker_name and marker_name['next']
def get_metadata(self, name, project=None):
queue = self._get(name, project)
return queue.get('m', {})
def create(self, name, project=None):
self._col.insert({'p': project, 'n': name, 'm': {}, 'c': 1})
except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError:
return False
return True
def exists(self, name, project=None):
return self._col.find_one({'p': project, 'n': name}) is not None
def set_metadata(self, name, metadata, project=None):
rst = self._col.update({'p': project, 'n': name},
{'$set': {'m': metadata}},
if not rst['updatedExisting']:
raise exceptions.QueueDoesNotExist(name, project)
def delete(self, name, project=None):
self.driver.message_controller._purge_queue(name, project)
self._col.remove({'p': project, 'n': name})
def stats(self, name, project=None):
if not self.exists(name, project=project):
raise exceptions.QueueDoesNotExist(name, project)
controller = self.driver.message_controller
active = controller.active(name, project=project).count()
total = controller.count(name, project=project)
message_stats = {
'claimed': total - active,
'free': active,
'total': total,
if total != 0:
oldest = controller.first(name, project=project, sort=1)
newest = controller.first(name, project=project, sort=-1)
except exceptions.QueueIsEmpty:
now = timeutils.utcnow()
message_stats['oldest'] = utils.stat_message(oldest, now)
message_stats['newest'] = utils.stat_message(newest, now)
return {'messages': message_stats}
def actions(self, name, project=None, marker=None, limit=10):
raise NotImplementedError