This patch contains several misc. changes to queue, message, and claim limits to reduce confusion and bring the implementation in line with the v1 spec. 1. Removed a couple of WSGI driver config options that are no longer needed now that we have redefined (and simplified) how we constrain message and metadata size. metadata_max_length = 65536 content_max_length = 262144 2. Renamed options to be more readable and consistent 3. Moved options to [transport] section 4. Made max messages that can be claimed its own setting, to reduce confusion 5. Removed enforcing an upper limit on the number of messages that can be posted; this was never in the spec, and appears to be gold-plating. Now, the only upper limit is max_message_size. 6. Removed the check on the size of a create claim request since (1) it is not part of the API spec, and (2) sanity-checks like that are best done by the web server, before a request even touches the app. 7. Migrated limits for storage driver interface params to static values, since those defaults define the static contract between transport and storage drivers. 8. Wrapped validation error messages in gettextutils._, and converted them to use .format instead of %. Change-Id: I1372e5002f030f5c8c47774ab00ca8ee7e12232d Closes-Bug: #1270260
Marconi Functional Tests ====================
Marconi's functional tests treat Marconi as a black box. In other words, the API calls attempt to simulate an actual user. Unlike unit tests, the functional tests do not use mockendpoints.
Running functional tests (With Tox)
Setup a Marconi server. Refer to the Marconi README on how to run Marconi locally, or simply use an existing server.
Change $MARCONI_TESTS_CONFIGS_DIR/functional-tests.conf and set run_tests to True.
Run tests. :
$ tox
Filter tests. :
$ tox -- --tests tests.functional.wsgi.v1.test_messages
Run tests for specific environments. :
$ tox -epy27,pep8
Running the Functional Tests (Without Tox)
Setup a Marconi server. Refer to the Marconi README on how to run Marconi locally, or simply use an existing server.
Install functional tests dependencies. :
pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -r test-requirements.txt
cd to the marconi/tests/functional directory
Copy marconi/tests/etc/functional-tests.conf-sample to one of the following locations:
~/.marconi/functional-tests.conf /etc/marconi/functional-tests.conf
Update the config file to point to the Marconi server you want to run the tests against
If leaving keystone auth enabled, update system-tests.conf with a valid set of credentials.
Now, to run the sytem tests, simply use the nosetests commands, e.g.:
Run all test suites: :
nosetests --tests tests.functional -v
Adding New Tests
Add test case to an appropriate test case file: :
queue/test_queue.py messages/test_messages.py claim/test_claims.py