========== zun-ui ========== Zun UI * Free software: Apache license * Source: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/zun-ui * Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/zun-ui Manual Installation ------------------- Install Horizon according to `Horizon documentation `_. Clone Zun UI from git repository, checkout branch same as Horizon and Zun, and install it:: git clone https://github.com/openstack/zun-ui git checkout cd zun-ui pip install . Enable Zun UI in your Horizon:: cp zun_ui/enabled/* /openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/ Then restart your Horizon. After restart your Horizon, reload dashboard forcely using [Ctrl + F5] or etc. in your browser. Enabling in DevStack -------------------- Add this repo as an external repository into your ``local.conf`` file:: [[local|localrc]] enable_plugin zun-ui https://github.com/openstack/zun-ui