/** * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ (function() { 'use strict'; /** * @ngdoc overview * @name horizon.dashboard.container.capsules * @ngModule * @description * Provides all the services and widgets require to display the capsules * panel */ angular .module('horizon.dashboard.container.capsules', [ 'ngRoute', 'horizon.dashboard.container.capsules.actions', 'horizon.dashboard.container.capsules.details' ]) .constant('horizon.dashboard.container.capsules.events', events()) .constant('horizon.dashboard.container.capsules.resourceType', 'OS::Zun::Capsule') .run(run) .config(config); /** * @ngdoc constant * @name horizon.dashboard.container.capsules.events * @description A list of events used by Capsules * @returns {Object} Event constants */ function events() { return { CREATE_SUCCESS: 'horizon.dashboard.container.capsules.CREATE_SUCCESS', DELETE_SUCCESS: 'horizon.dashboard.container.capsules.DELETE_SUCCESS' }; } run.$inject = [ '$filter', 'horizon.framework.conf.resource-type-registry.service', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.zun', 'horizon.dashboard.container.capsules.basePath', 'horizon.dashboard.container.capsules.resourceType', 'horizon.dashboard.container.capsules.service' ]; function run($filter, registry, zun, basePath, resourceType, capsuleService) { registry.getResourceType(resourceType) .setNames(gettext('Capsule'), gettext('Capsules')) .setSummaryTemplateUrl(basePath + 'drawer.html') .setDefaultIndexUrl('/project/container/capsules/') .setProperties(capsuleProperties()) .setListFunction(capsuleService.getCapsulesPromise) .tableColumns .append({ id: 'name', priority: 1, sortDefault: true, urlFunction: capsuleService.getDetailsPath }) .append({ id: 'id', priority: 2 }) .append({ id: 'status', priority: 1 }) .append({ id: 'cpu', priority: 3 }) .append({ id: 'memory', priority: 3 }); // for magic-search registry.getResourceType(resourceType).filterFacets .append({ 'label': gettext('Capsule ID'), 'name': 'capsule_id', 'singleton': true }) .append({ 'label': gettext('Name'), 'name': 'name', 'singleton': true }) .append({ 'label': gettext('Status'), 'name': 'status', 'singleton': true }); } function capsuleProperties() { return { 'addresses': {label: gettext('Addresses'), filters: ['noValue', 'json'] }, 'capsule_versionid': {label: gettext('Capsule Version ID'), filters: ['noValue'] }, 'containers': {label: gettext('Containers'), filters: ['noValue', 'json'] }, 'container_uuids': {label: gettext('Container UUIDs'), filters: ['noValue', 'json'] }, 'cpu': {label: gettext('CPU'), filters: ['noValue'] }, 'created_at': { label: gettext('Created'), filters: ['simpleDate'] }, 'id': {label: gettext('ID'), filters: ['noValue'] }, 'links': {label: gettext('Links'), filters: ['noValue', 'json'] }, 'memory': { label: gettext('Memory'), filters: ['noValue'] }, 'meta_labels': {label: gettext('Labels'), filters: ['noValue', 'json'] }, 'name': { label: gettext('Name'), filters: ['noName'] }, 'project_id': { label: gettext('Project ID'), filters: ['noValue'] }, 'restart_policy': { label: gettext('Restart Policy'), filters: ['noValue'] }, 'status': { label: gettext('Status'), filters: ['noValue'] }, 'status_reason': { label: gettext('Status Reason'), filters: ['noValue'] }, 'updated_at': { label: gettext('Updated'), filters: ['simpleDate'] }, 'user_id': { label: gettext('User ID'), filters: ['noValue'] }, 'volumes_info': {label: gettext('Volumes Info'), filters: ['noValue', 'json'] } }; } config.$inject = [ '$provide', '$windowProvider', '$routeProvider' ]; /** * @name config * @param {Object} $provide * @param {Object} $windowProvider * @param {Object} $routeProvider * @description Routes used by this module. * @returns {undefined} Returns nothing */ function config($provide, $windowProvider, $routeProvider) { var path = $windowProvider.$get().STATIC_URL + 'dashboard/container/capsules/'; $provide.constant('horizon.dashboard.container.capsules.basePath', path); $routeProvider.when('/project/container/capsules', { templateUrl: path + 'panel.html' }); } })();