/** * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function () { 'use strict'; angular .module('horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api') .factory('horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.zun', ZunAPI); ZunAPI.$inject = [ '$location', 'horizon.framework.util.http.service', 'horizon.framework.widgets.toast.service', 'horizon.framework.util.i18n.gettext' ]; function ZunAPI($location, apiService, toastService, gettext) { var containersPath = '/api/zun/containers/'; var zunAvailabilityZonesPath = '/api/zun/availability_zones/'; var capsulesPath = '/api/zun/capsules/'; var imagesPath = '/api/zun/images/'; var hostsPath = '/api/zun/hosts/'; var service = { createContainer: createContainer, updateContainer: updateContainer, getContainer: getContainer, getContainers: getContainers, deleteContainer: deleteContainer, deleteContainers: deleteContainers, deleteContainerForce: deleteContainerForce, deleteContainerStop: deleteContainerStop, startContainer: startContainer, stopContainer: stopContainer, logsContainer: logsContainer, restartContainer: restartContainer, rebuildContainer: rebuildContainer, pauseContainer: pauseContainer, unpauseContainer: unpauseContainer, executeContainer: executeContainer, killContainer: killContainer, resizeContainer: resizeContainer, attachNetwork: attachNetwork, detachNetwork: detachNetwork, updatePortSecurityGroup: updatePortSecurityGroup, getZunAvailabilityZones: getZunAvailabilityZones, getCapsules: getCapsules, getCapsule: getCapsule, createCapsule: createCapsule, deleteCapsule: deleteCapsule, pullImage: pullImage, getImages: getImages, deleteImage: deleteImage, getHosts: getHosts, getHost: getHost, isAdmin: isAdmin }; return service; /////////////// // Containers // /////////////// function createContainer(params) { var msg = gettext('Unable to create Container.'); return apiService.post(containersPath, params).error(error(msg)); } function updateContainer(id, params) { var msg = gettext('Unable to update Container.'); return apiService.patch(containersPath + id, params).error(error(msg)); } function getContainer(id, suppressError) { var promise = apiService.get(containersPath + id); return suppressError ? promise : promise.error(function() { var msg = gettext('Unable to retrieve the Container.'); toastService.add('error', msg); }); } function getContainers() { var msg = gettext('Unable to retrieve the Containers.'); return apiService.get(containersPath).error(error(msg)); } function deleteContainer(id, suppressError) { var promise = apiService.delete(containersPath, [id]); return suppressError ? promise : promise.error(function() { var msg = gettext('Unable to delete the Container with id: %(id)s'); toastService.add('error', interpolate(msg, { id: id }, true)); }); } // FIXME(shu-mutou): Unused for batch-delete in Horizon framework in Feb, 2016. function deleteContainers(ids) { var msg = gettext('Unable to delete the Containers.'); return apiService.delete(containersPath, ids).error(error(msg)); } function deleteContainerForce(id, suppressError) { var promise = apiService.delete(containersPath + id + '/force', [id]); return suppressError ? promise : promise.error(function() { var msg = gettext('Unable to delete forcely the Container with id: %(id)s'); toastService.add('error', interpolate(msg, { id: id }, true)); }); } function deleteContainerStop(id, suppressError) { var promise = apiService.delete(containersPath + id + '/stop', [id]); return suppressError ? promise : promise.error(function() { var msg = gettext('Unable to stop and delete the Container with id: %(id)s'); toastService.add('error', interpolate(msg, { id: id }, true)); }); } function startContainer(id) { var msg = gettext('Unable to start Container.'); return apiService.post(containersPath + id + '/start').error(error(msg)); } function stopContainer(id, params) { var msg = gettext('Unable to stop Container.'); return apiService.post(containersPath + id + '/stop', params).error(error(msg)); } function logsContainer(id) { var msg = gettext('Unable to get logs of Container.'); return apiService.get(containersPath + id + '/logs').error(error(msg)); } function restartContainer(id, params) { var msg = gettext('Unable to restart Container.'); return apiService.post(containersPath + id + '/restart', params).error(error(msg)); } function rebuildContainer(id, params) { var msg = gettext('Unable to rebuild Container.'); return apiService.post(containersPath + id + '/rebuild', params).error(error(msg)); } function pauseContainer(id) { var msg = gettext('Unable to pause Container'); return apiService.post(containersPath + id + '/pause').error(error(msg)); } function unpauseContainer(id) { var msg = gettext('Unable to unpause of Container.'); return apiService.post(containersPath + id + '/unpause').error(error(msg)); } function executeContainer(id, params) { var msg = gettext('Unable to execute the command.'); return apiService.post(containersPath + id + '/execute', params).error(error(msg)); } function killContainer(id, params) { var msg = gettext('Unable to send kill signal.'); return apiService.post(containersPath + id + '/kill', params).error(error(msg)); } function resizeContainer(id, params) { var msg = gettext('Unable to resize console.'); return apiService.post(containersPath + id + '/resize', params).error(error(msg)); } function attachNetwork(id, net) { var msg = gettext('Unable to attach network.'); return apiService.post(containersPath + id + '/network_attach', {network: net}) .error(error(msg)); } function detachNetwork(id, net) { var msg = gettext('Unable to detach network.'); return apiService.post(containersPath + id + '/network_detach', {network: net}) .error(error(msg)); } function updatePortSecurityGroup(id, port, sgs) { var msg = interpolate( gettext('Unable to update security groups %(sgs)s for port %(port)s.'), {port: port, sgs: sgs}, true); return apiService.post(containersPath + id + '/port_update_security_groups', {port: port, security_groups: sgs}) .error(error(msg)); } ////////////////////////////// // Zun AvailabilityZones // ////////////////////////////// function getZunAvailabilityZones() { var msg = gettext('Unable to retrieve the Zun Availability Zones.'); return apiService.get(zunAvailabilityZonesPath).error(error(msg)); } ////////////// // Capsules // ////////////// function getCapsules() { var msg = gettext('Unable to retrieve the Capsules.'); return apiService.get(capsulesPath).error(error(msg)); } function getCapsule(id) { var msg = gettext('Unable to retrieve the Capsule.'); return apiService.get(capsulesPath + id).error(error(msg)); } function createCapsule(params) { var msg = gettext('Unable to create Capsule.'); return apiService.post(capsulesPath, params).error(error(msg)); } function deleteCapsule(id, suppressError) { var promise = apiService.delete(capsulesPath, [id]); return suppressError ? promise : promise.error(function() { var msg = gettext('Unable to delete the Capsule with id: %(id)s'); toastService.add('error', interpolate(msg, { id: id }, true)); }); } //////////// // Images // //////////// function pullImage(params) { var msg = gettext('Unable to pull Image.'); return apiService.post(imagesPath, params).error(error(msg)); } function getImages() { var msg = gettext('Unable to retrieve the Images.'); return apiService.get(imagesPath).error(error(msg)); } function deleteImage(id, suppressError) { var promise = apiService.delete(imagesPath, [id]); return suppressError ? promise : promise.error(function() { var msg = gettext('Unable to delete the Image with id: %(id)s'); toastService.add('error', interpolate(msg, { id: id }, true)); }); } /////////// // Hosts // /////////// function getHosts() { var msg = gettext('Unable to retrieve the Hosts.'); return apiService.get(hostsPath).error(error(msg)); } function getHost(id) { var msg = gettext('Unable to retrieve the Host.'); return apiService.get(hostsPath + id).error(error(msg)); } function error(message) { return function() { toastService.add('error', message); }; } function isAdmin() { var isAdmin = false; if ($location.url().startsWith("/admin") || $location.url().endsWith("?nav=%2Fadmin%2Fcontainer%2Fcontainers%2F") ) { isAdmin = true; } return isAdmin; } } }());