Shu Muto ad6898f17a Suppress resize error on resizing browser
This bug seems to be due to rare situation, so we could not identify
the reason for now.
But this bug occurred when cloud-shell.controller is missing container ID.
If this bug occur, the toast popups so many and they are so obstacle.
So this patch changes cloud-shell.controller to ignure the resize event
when container ID was missing.

Change-Id: I598c11c9fb2086e7e001b70df8de57968d6d13db
Closes-Bug: #1764953
2018-04-18 16:28:06 +09:00

149 lines
5.3 KiB

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
(function() {
"use strict";
.controller('horizon.cloud-shell.controller', cloudShellController);
cloudShellController.$inject = [
function cloudShellController(
) {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.openInNewWindow = openInNewWindow;
ctrl.close = closeShell;
ctrl.consoleUrl = null;
ctrl.container = {};
ctrl.resizeTerminal = resizeTerminal;
// close existing shell
// default size for shell
var cols = 80;
var rows = 24;
// get clouds.yaml for OpenStack Client
var cloudsYaml;
http.get('/project/api_access/clouds.yaml/').then(function(response) {
// cloud.yaml to be set to .config/openstack/clouds.yaml in container
cloudsYaml = response.data;
ctrl.user = cloudsYaml.match(/username: "(.+)"/)[1];
ctrl.project = cloudsYaml.match(/project_name: "(.+)"/)[1];
ctrl.userDomain = cloudsYaml.match(/user_domain_name: "(.+)"/);
ctrl.projectDomain = cloudsYaml.match(/project_domain_name: "(.+)"/);
ctrl.domain = (ctrl.userDomain.length === 2) ? ctrl.userDomain[1] : ctrl.projectDomain[1];
ctrl.region = cloudsYaml.match(/region_name: "(.+)"/)[1];
// container name
ctrl.container.name = "cloud-shell-" + ctrl.user + "-" + ctrl.project +
"-" + ctrl.domain + "-" + ctrl.region;
// get container
zun.getContainer(ctrl.container.name, true).then(onGetContainer, onFailGetContainer);
function onGetContainer(response) {
ctrl.container = response.data;
// attach console to existing container
ctrl.consoleUrl = webRoot + "containers/" + ctrl.container.id + "/console";
var console = $("<p>To display console, interactive mode needs to be enabled " +
"when this container was created.</p>");
if (ctrl.container.status !== "Running") {
console = $("<p>Container is not running. Please wait for starting up container.</p>");
} else if (ctrl.container.interactive) {
console = $("<iframe id=\"console_embed\" src=\"" + ctrl.consoleUrl +
"\" style=\"width:100%;height:100%\"></iframe>");
// execute openrc.sh on the container
var command = "sh -c 'printf \"" + cloudsYaml + "\" > ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml'";
zun.executeContainer(ctrl.container.id, {command: command}).then(function() {
var command = "sh -c 'printf \"export OS_CLOUD=openstack\" > ~/.bashrc'";
zun.executeContainer(ctrl.container.id, {command: command}).then(function() {
// append shell content
// watcher for iframe contents loading, seems to emit once.
$scope.$watch(function() {
return angular.element("#shell-content > iframe").contents()
}, resizeTerminal);
// event handler to resize console according to window resize.
angular.element(window).bind('resize', resizeTerminal);
// also, add resizeTerminal into callback attribute for resizer directive
function resizeTerminal() {
var shellIframe = angular.element("#shell-content > iframe");
var newCols = shellIframe.contents().find("#terminalNode").attr("termCols");
var newRows = shellIframe.contents().find("#terminalNode").attr("termRows");
if ((newCols !== cols || newRows !== rows) && newCols > 0 && newRows > 0 &&
ctrl.container.id) {
// resize tty
zun.resizeContainer(ctrl.container.id, {width: newCols, height: newRows}).then(function() {
cols = newCols;
rows = newRows;
function onFailGetContainer() {
// create new container and attach console to it.
var image = angular.element("#cloud-shell-menu").attr("cloud-shell-image");
var model = {
name: ctrl.container.name,
image: image,
command: "/bin/bash",
interactive: true,
run: true,
environment: "OS_CLOUD=openstack",
labels: "cloud-shell=" + ctrl.container.name
zun.createContainer(model).then(function (response) {
// attach
onGetContainer({data: {id: response.data.id}});
function openInNewWindow() {
// open shell in new window
window.open(ctrl.consoleUrl, "_blank");
function closeShell() {
// close shell