- job: name: ara-collection-upload-git-mirror parent: upload-git-mirror description: Mirrors recordsansible/ara-collection to ansible-community/ara-collection allowed-projects: recordsansible/ara-collection vars: git_mirror_repository: ansible-community/ara-collection secrets: - name: git_mirror_credentials secret: ara_collection_git_mirror_credentials pass-to-parent: true - job: name: ara-role-integration-base parent: base allowed-projects: - recordsansible/ara - recordsansible/ara-collection required-projects: - recordsansible/ara - recordsansible/ara-collection files: - ara/* - playbooks/* - roles/* - tests/* - .zuul.d/* - manage.py - setup.py - setup.cfg - requirements.txt - test-requirements.txt vars: ara_api_source: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/src/opendev.org/recordsansible/ara" ara_tests_ansible_name: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/src/github.com/ansible/ansible" ara_tests_ansible_version: null ara_api_secure_logging: false post-run: tests/zuul_post_logs.yaml - job: name: ara-role-database-backends parent: ara-role-integration-base required-projects: - recordsansible/ara - recordsansible/ara-collection - name: github.com/ansible/ansible override-checkout: stable-2.9 pre-run: tests/zuul_pre_multinode_networking.yaml - job: name: ara-role-api-postgresql parent: ara-role-database-backends nodeset: ara-database-server-multinode description: | Deploys the ARA API server on Ubuntu 18.04, Fedora 32 as well as CentOS 8 and tests it against a central PostgreSQL server installed on CentOS 8. The job exercises the ara_api Ansible role, the ARA Ansible plugins, the ARA API clients as well as the API itself. run: tests/with_postgresql.yaml post-run: tests/zuul_post_with_postgresql.yaml - job: name: ara-role-api-mysql parent: ara-role-database-backends nodeset: ara-database-server-multinode description: | Deploys the ARA API server on Ubuntu 18.04, Fedora 32 as well as CentOS 8 and tests it against a central MySQL server installed on CentOS 8. The job exercises the ara_api Ansible role, the ARA Ansible plugins, the ARA API clients as well as the API itself. run: tests/with_mysql.yaml post-run: tests/zuul_post_with_mysql.yaml - job: name: ara-role-api-distributed-sqlite parent: ara-role-database-backends nodeset: ara-multinode description: | Deploys the ARA API server on Ubuntu 18.04, Fedora 32 as well as CentOS 8 and tests it using the distributed sqlite database backend. run: tests/with_distributed_sqlite.yaml # TODO: The job should build a package from current source and test that package # instead of the package in the stable distribution. - job: name: ara-role-api-fedora-packages parent: ara-role-integration-base nodeset: ara-fedora-32 description: | Deploys the ARA API server on Fedora 32 using distribution packages for ARA and Ansible. run: tests/with_fedora_packages.yaml