David Moreau Simard c1218db1ef
Import integration tests and jobs from ara-infra
Now that ara-{client,server,plugins} are no longer separate projects,
we can bring back the tests and jobs to ara so they are easier to
manage and maintain in-tree.

Jobs are renamed in the process to avoid a chicken-and-egg issue
from the jobs existing in the ara-infra repository while they are
in use and moved here.

It was necessary to squash a brief fix to get pbr to look at the
version of "ara" instead of "ara-clients".

Change-Id: I9d79e6bd4c714842420df30b183ce1d016692885
2019-03-04 13:17:52 -05:00

123 lines
4.5 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
# This file is part of ARA Records Ansible.
# ARA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ARA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ARA. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- name: Clean up integration test root
path: "{{ integration_root }}"
state: absent
when: integration_cleanup | bool
- name: Create integration test root
path: "{{ integration_root }}"
state: directory
# Zuul already prepares the src repository on the remote node
- name: Symlink Zuul repositories to integration test root
src: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/src/git.openstack.org/openstack/ara"
dest: "{{ integration_root }}/ara"
state: link
when: zuul is defined
- when: zuul is not defined
# The expectation is that the integration tests are run from a checked out
# git repository. Use this repository for the tests so we are able to test
# local modifications. Synchronize is used in place of symlink so we are
# able to run integration tests on a remote machine if necessary.
# git rev-parse --show-toplevel returns the root git directory
- name: Synchronize ara-infra to integration root
src: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'git rev-parse --show-toplevel') }}"
dest: "{{ integration_root }}/"
delete: yes
# If a version is not explicitly set we want to make sure to
# completely omit the version argument to pip, as it will be coming
# from the long-form integration_ansible_name variable. Additionally, if
# the version is the special value "latest", then we also want to omit
# any version number, but also set the package state to "latest".
- name: Set Ansible version for installation
_install_ansible_version: "{{ integration_ansible_version }}"
when: integration_ansible_version not in ("", "latest")
- name: Set Ansible package state for installation
_install_ansible_state: latest
when: integration_ansible_version == "latest"
- name: Initialize virtual environment with Ansible
name: "{{ integration_ansible_name }}"
version: "{{ _install_ansible_version | default(omit, True) }}"
state: "{{ _install_ansible_state | default(omit, True) }}"
virtualenv: "{{ integration_virtualenv }}"
virtualenv_python: python3
- name: Install ARA from source in virtual environment
name: "{{ integration_root }}/ara"
state: present
virtualenv: "{{ integration_virtualenv }}"
virtualenv_python: python3
- name: Get ARA plugins directory
command: "{{ integration_root }}/venv/bin/python -m ara.plugins"
register: ara_plugins
# These aren't in the same task (i.e, with loop) so we can tell individual test
# runs apart easily rather than keeping all the output bundled in a single task.
# TODO: Add validation for the tests
- environment:
ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS: "{{ ara_plugins.stdout }}/callback"
ANSIBLE_ACTION_PLUGINS: "{{ ara_plugins.stdout }}/action"
ARA_BASE_DIR: "{{ integration_data }}"
ansible_playbook: "{{ integration_virtualenv }}/bin/ansible-playbook -vvv"
test_root: "{{ integration_root }}/ara/tests/integration"
# smoke.yaml tests setting ara_playbook_name in one of three plays
- name: Run smoke.yaml integration test
command: "{{ ansible_playbook }} {{ test_root }}/smoke.yaml"
- name: Run hosts.yaml integration test
command: "{{ ansible_playbook }} {{ test_root }}/hosts.yaml"
- name: Run import.yaml integration test
command: "{{ ansible_playbook }} {{ test_root }}/import.yaml"
# Tests setting ara_playbook_name as an extra var
- name: Run failed.yaml integration test
command: >
{{ ansible_playbook }} {{ test_root }}/failed.yaml -e ara_playbook_name="Failed playbook"
ignore_errors: yes
- name: Run incomplete.yaml integration test
shell: |
{{ ansible_playbook }} {{ test_root }}/incomplete.yaml &
sleep 5
kill $!
executable: /bin/bash
ignore_errors: yes