Changes to use monasca instead of mon
Changed to use monasca_api instead of mon_api. Added monasca_api user to group monasca so the api can write to /var/log/monasca and read the config file in /etc/monasca Change data bag names to monasca_api instead of mon_api Place jar file in /opt/monasca Change service name from mon-api to monasca-api Change-Id: Ic2a8db0b6b1451872f42373077cf5f2911de3652
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Also included is an icinga check for the service health check.
Using Vertica
If Vertica is used as the database for Monasca, the Vertica JDBC jar that matches the Vertica version must be placed in /opt/mon/vertica. The jar from Vertica will be named like vertica-jdbc-7.0.1-0.jar and must be renamed to vertica_jdbc.jar when placed in /opt/mon/vertica. You can find the Vertica JDBC jar in /opt/vertica/java on a system with the Vertica database installed. This cookbook will copy the Vertica JDBC Jar from /vagrant and place it in /opt/mon/vertica if run using Chef Solo.
If Vertica is used as the database for Monasca, the Vertica JDBC jar that matches the Vertica version must be placed in /opt/monasca/vertica. The jar from Vertica will be named like vertica-jdbc-7.0.1-0.jar and must be renamed to vertica_jdbc.jar when placed in /opt/monasca/vertica. You can find the Vertica JDBC jar in /opt/vertica/java on a system with the Vertica database installed. This cookbook will copy the Vertica JDBC Jar from /vagrant and place it in /opt/monasca/vertica if run using Chef Solo.
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# encoding: UTF-8#
# Logs to backup
node.default[:mon_log_backup][:logs][:som_api] = ['/var/log/som-api/']
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# encoding: UTF-8#
node.default[:mon_api][:group] = 'mon_api'
node.default[:mon_api][:owner] = 'mon_api'
node.default[:mon_api][:data_bag] = 'mon_api'
node.default[:monasca_api][:group] = 'monasca'
node.default[:monasca_api][:owner] = 'monasca_api'
node.default[:monasca_api][:data_bag] = 'monasca_api'
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# encoding: UTF-8#
default[:som_api][:firewall][:rules] = [
https: {
port: '443',
protocol: 'tcp'
https_8080: {
port: '8080',
protocol: 'tcp'
http_8081: {
port: '8081',
protocol: 'tcp'
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# encoding: UTF-8#
name 'mon_api'
name 'monasca_api'
maintainer 'Monasca Team'
maintainer_email ''
license 'All rights reserved'
description 'Installs/Configures mon_api'
description 'Installs/Configures the Monasca API'
long_description, ''))
version '0.0.13'
version '0.0.14'
@ -1,44 +1,53 @@
# encoding: UTF-8#
package 'mon-api' do
group node[:monasca_api][:group] do
action :create
user node[:monasca_api][:owner] do
action :create
system true
gid node[:monasca_api][:group]
package 'monasca-api' do
action :upgrade
service 'mon-api' do
service 'monasca-api' do
action :enable
provider Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart
directory '/var/log/mon-api' do
directory '/var/log/monasca' do
recursive true
owner node[:mon_api][:owner]
group node[:mon_api][:group]
mode 0755
owner node[:monasca_api][:owner]
group node[:monasca_api][:group]
mode 0775
action :create
creds = data_bag_item(node[:mon_api][:data_bag], 'mon_credentials')
setting = data_bag_item(node[:mon_api][:data_bag], 'mon_api')
creds = data_bag_item(node[:monasca_api][:data_bag], 'credentials')
setting = data_bag_item(node[:monasca_api][:data_bag], 'monasca_api')
# Create the config file
template '/etc/mon/mon-api-config.yml' do
template '/etc/monasca/api-config.yml' do
action :create
owner 'root'
group node[:mon_api][:group]
group node[:monasca_api][:group]
mode '640'
source 'mon-service-config.yml.erb'
source 'api-config.yml.erb'
creds: creds,
setting: setting
notifies :restart, 'service[mon-api]'
notifies :restart, 'service[monasca-api]'
if setting['database-configuration']['database-type'] == 'vertica'
# Create the directory for the vertica JDBC jar
directory '/opt/mon/vertica' do
directory '/opt/monasca/vertica' do
recursive true
owner 'root'
group 'root'
@ -50,7 +59,7 @@ if setting['database-configuration']['database-type'] == 'vertica'
bash 'vertica_jdbc.jar' do
action :run
code <<-EOL
if [ ! -s ${DEST} ]; then
SRC=`ls /vagrant/vertica-jdbc-*.jar`
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ influxDB:
password: <%=@creds['influxdb']['password'] %>
# Uncomment if databaseType is vertica
# As of 7/10 there is a bug in the mon-api that requires this section even if databaseType is set to influxdb
# As of 7/10 there is a bug in the monasca-api that requires this section even if databaseType is set to influxdb
driverClass: com.vertica.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:vertica://localhost/mon
@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ logging:
logFormat: # TODO
- type: file
currentLogFilename: /var/log/mon-api/mon-api.log
currentLogFilename: /var/log/monasca/monasca-api.log
threshold: ALL
archive: true
archivedLogFilenamePattern: /var/log/mon-api/mon-api-%d.log.gz
archivedLogFilenamePattern: /var/log/monasca/monasca-api-%d.log.gz
archivedFileCount: 5
timeZone: UTC
logFormat: # TODO
Reference in New Issue
Block a user