184 lines
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184 lines
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import uuid
import yaml
import os
import types
from muranoconductor.openstack.common import log as logging
from muranocommon.messaging import Message
import muranoconductor.helpers
from command import CommandBase
from muranocommon.helpers.token_sanitizer import TokenSanitizer
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class VmAgentExecutor(CommandBase):
def __init__(self, stack, rmqclient, reporter):
self._stack = stack
self._rmqclient = rmqclient
self._pending_list = []
self._results_queue = '-execution-results-%s' % str(stack).lower()
self._reporter = reporter
def execute(self, template, mappings, unit, service, callback,
template_path = 'data/templates/agent/%s.template' % template
#with open(template_path) as t_file:
# template_data = t_file.read()
#json_template = json.loads(template_data)
#json_template = self.encode_scripts(json_template, template_path)
template, msg_id = self.build_execution_plan(template_path)
template = muranoconductor.helpers.transform_json(
template, mappings)
queue = ('%s-%s-%s' % (self._stack, service, unit)).lower()
'id': msg_id,
'callback': callback,
'timeout': timeout
msg = Message()
msg.body = template
msg.id = msg_id
self._rmqclient.send(message=msg, key=queue)
log.info('Sending RMQ message {0} to {1} with id {2}'.format(
TokenSanitizer().sanitize(template), queue, msg_id))
def build_execution_plan(self, path):
with open(path) as stream:
template = yaml.load(stream)
if not isinstance(template, types.DictionaryType):
raise ValueError('Incorrect execution plan ' + path)
format_version = template.get('FormatVersion')
if not format_version or format_version.startswith('1.'):
return self._build_v1_execution_plan(template, path)
return self._build_v2_execution_plan(template, path)
def _build_v1_execution_plan(self, template, path):
scripts_folder = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(path), 'scripts')
script_files = template.get('Scripts', [])
scripts = []
for script in script_files:
script_path = os.path.join(scripts_folder, script)
log.debug('Loading script "{0}"'.format(script_path))
with open(script_path) as script_file:
script_data = script_file.read()
template['Scripts'] = scripts
return template, uuid.uuid4().hex
def _build_v2_execution_plan(self, template, path):
scripts_folder = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(path), 'scripts')
plan_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
template['ID'] = plan_id
if 'Action' not in template:
template['Action'] = 'Execute'
if 'Files' not in template:
template['Files'] = {}
files = {}
for file_id, file_descr in template['Files'].items():
files[file_descr['Name']] = file_id
for name, script in template.get('Scripts', {}).items():
if 'EntryPoint' not in script:
raise ValueError('No entry point in script ' + name)
script['EntryPoint'] = self._place_file(
scripts_folder, script['EntryPoint'], template, files)
if 'Files' in script:
for i in range(0, len(script['Files'])):
script['Files'][i] = self._place_file(
scripts_folder, script['Files'][i], template, files)
return template, plan_id
def _place_file(self, folder, name, template, files):
use_base64 = False
if name.startswith('<') and name.endswith('>'):
use_base64 = True
name = name[1:len(name) - 1]
if name in files:
return files[name]
file_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
body_type = 'Base64' if use_base64 else 'Text'
with open(os.path.join(folder, name)) as stream:
body = stream.read()
if use_base64:
body = body.encode('base64')
template['Files'][file_id] = {
'Name': name,
'BodyType': body_type,
'Body': body
files[name] = file_id
return file_id
def has_pending_commands(self):
return len(self._pending_list) > 0
def execute_pending(self):
if not self.has_pending_commands():
return False
with self._rmqclient.open(self._results_queue) as subscription:
while self.has_pending_commands():
# TODO: Add extended initialization timeout
# By now, all the timeouts are defined by the command input
# however, the first reply which we wait for being returned
# from the unit may be delayed due to long unit initialization
# and startup. So, for the nonitialized units we need to extend
# the command's timeout with the initialization timeout
timeout = self.get_max_timeout()
if timeout:
span_message = "for {0} seconds".format(timeout)
span_message = 'infinitely'
log.debug("Waiting %s for responses to be returned"
" by the agent. %i total responses remain",
span_message, len(self._pending_list))
msg = subscription.get_message(timeout=timeout)
if msg:
msg_id = msg.body.get('SourceID', msg.id)
item, index = muranoconductor.helpers.find(
lambda t: t['id'] == msg_id, self._pending_list)
if item:
while self.has_pending_commands():
item = self._pending_list.pop()
return True
def get_max_timeout(self):
res = 0
for item in self._pending_list:
if item['timeout'] is None: # if at least 1 item has no timeout
return None # then return None (i.e. infinite)
res = max(res, item['timeout'])
return res
class AgentTimeoutException(Exception):
def __init__(self, timeout):
self.message = "Unable to receive any response from the agent" \
" in {0} sec".format(timeout)
self.timeout = timeout
class UnhandledAgentException(Exception):
def __init__(self, errors):
self.message = "An unhandled exception has " \
"occurred in the Agent: {0}".format(errors)
self.errors = errors