558 lines
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558 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from horizon.utils import memoized
#from ironicclient.v1 import client as ironicclient
from novaclient.v1_1.contrib import baremetal
from openstack_dashboard.api import base
from openstack_dashboard.api import glance
from openstack_dashboard.api import nova
from openstack_dashboard.test.test_data import utils as test_utils
from tuskar_ui.cached_property import cached_property # noqa
from tuskar_ui.handle_errors import handle_errors # noqa
from tuskar_ui.test.test_data import heat_data
from tuskar_ui.test.test_data import node_data
from tuskar_ui import utils
TEST_DATA = test_utils.TestDataContainer()
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def baremetalclient(request):
nc = nova.novaclient(request)
return baremetal.BareMetalNodeManager(nc)
# FIXME(lsmola) This should be done in Horizon, they don't have caching
def image_get(request, image_id):
"""Returns an Image object with metadata
Returns an Image object populated with metadata for image
with supplied identifier.
:param image_id: list of objects to be put into a dict
:type object_list: list
:return: object
:rtype: glanceclient.v1.images.Image
image = glance.image_get(request, image_id)
return image
class IronicNode(base.APIResourceWrapper):
_attrs = ('id', 'uuid', 'instance_uuid', 'driver', 'driver_info',
'properties', 'power_state')
def create(cls, request, ipmi_address, cpu, ram, local_disk,
mac_addresses, ipmi_username=None, ipmi_password=None):
"""Create a Node in Ironic
:param request: request object
:type request: django.http.HttpRequest
:param ipmi_address: IPMI address
:type ipmi_address: str
:param cpu: number of cores
:type cpu: int
:param ram: RAM in GB
:type ram: int
:param local_disk: local disk in TB
:type local_disk: int
:param mac_addresses: list of mac addresses
:type mac_addresses: list of str
:param ipmi_username: IPMI username
:type ipmi_username: str
:param ipmi_password: IPMI password
:type ipmi_password: str
:return: the created Node object
:rtype: tuskar_ui.api.node.IronicNode
#node = ironicclient(request).node.create(
# driver='pxe_ipmitool',
# driver_info={'ipmi_address': ipmi_address,
# 'ipmi_username': ipmi_username,
# 'password': ipmi_password},
# properties={'cpu': cpu,
# 'ram': ram,
# 'local_disk': local_disk})
#for mac_address in mac_addresses:
# ironicclient(request).port.create(
# node_uuid=node.uuid,
# address=mac_address
# )
node = TEST_DATA.ironicclient_nodes.first()
return cls(node)
def get(cls, request, uuid):
"""Return the IronicNode that matches the ID
:param request: request object
:type request: django.http.HttpRequest
:param uuid: ID of IronicNode to be retrieved
:type uuid: str
:return: matching IronicNode, or None if no IronicNode matches the ID
:rtype: tuskar_ui.api.node.IronicNode
#node = ironicclient(request).nodes.get(uuid)
#return cls(node)
for node in IronicNode.list(request):
if node.uuid == uuid:
return node
def get_by_instance_uuid(cls, request, instance_uuid):
"""Return the IronicNode associated with the instance ID
:param request: request object
:type request: django.http.HttpRequest
:param instance_uuid: ID of Instance that is deployed on the IronicNode
to be retrieved
:type instance_uuid: str
:return: matching IronicNode
:rtype: tuskar_ui.api.node.IronicNode
:raises: ironicclient.exc.HTTPNotFound if there is no IronicNode with
the matching instance UUID
#node = ironicclient(request).nodes.get_by_instance_uuid(instance_uuid)
#return cls(node)
for node in IronicNode.list(request):
if node.instance_uuid == instance_uuid:
return node
@handle_errors(_("Unable to retrieve nodes"), [])
def list(cls, request, associated=None):
"""Return a list of IronicNodes
:param request: request object
:type request: django.http.HttpRequest
:param associated: should we also retrieve all IronicNodes, only those
associated with an Instance, or only those not
associated with an Instance?
:type associated: bool
:return: list of IronicNodes, or an empty list if there are none
:rtype: list of tuskar_ui.api.node.IronicNode
#nodes = ironicclient(request).nodes.list(
# associated=associated)
nodes = TEST_DATA.ironicclient_nodes.list()
if associated is not None:
if associated:
nodes = [node for node in nodes
if node.instance_uuid is not None]
nodes = [node for node in nodes
if node.instance_uuid is None]
return [cls(node) for node in nodes]
def delete(cls, request, uuid):
"""Remove the IronicNode matching the ID if it
exists; otherwise, does nothing.
:param request: request object
:type request: django.http.HttpRequest
:param uuid: ID of IronicNode to be removed
:type uuid: str
def addresses(self):
"""Return a list of port addresses associated with this IronicNode
:return: list of port addresses associated with this IronicNode, or
an empty list if no addresses are associated with
this IronicNode
:rtype: list of str
ports = self.list_ports()
return [port.address for port in ports]
class BareMetalNode(base.APIResourceWrapper):
_attrs = ('id', 'uuid', 'instance_uuid', 'memory_mb', 'cpus', 'local_gb',
'task_state', 'pm_user', 'pm_address', 'interfaces')
def create(cls, request, ipmi_address, cpu, ram, local_disk,
mac_addresses, ipmi_username=None, ipmi_password=None):
"""Create a Nova BareMetalNode
:param request: request object
:type request: django.http.HttpRequest
:param ipmi_address: IPMI address
:type ipmi_address: str
:param cpu: number of cores
:type cpu: int
:param ram: RAM in GB
:type ram: int
:param local_disk: local disk in TB
:type local_disk: int
:param mac_addresses: list of mac addresses
:type mac_addresses: list of str
:param ipmi_username: IPMI username
:type ipmi_username: str
:param ipmi_password: IPMI password
:type ipmi_password: str
:return: the created BareMetalNode object
:rtype: tuskar_ui.api.node.BareMetalNode
#node = baremetalclient(request).create(
# 'undercloud',
# cpu,
# ram,
# local_disk,
# mac_addresses,
# pm_address=ipmi_address,
# pm_user=ipmi_username,
# pm_password=ipmi_password)
node = TEST_DATA.baremetalclient_nodes.first()
return cls(node)
def get(cls, request, uuid):
"""Return the BareMetalNode that matches the ID
:param request: request object
:type request: django.http.HttpRequest
:param uuid: ID of BareMetalNode to be retrieved
:type uuid: str
:return: matching BareMetalNode, or None if no BareMetalNode matches
the ID
:rtype: tuskar_ui.api.node.BareMetalNode
#node = baremetalclient(request).get(uuid)
#return cls(node)
for node in BareMetalNode.list(request):
if node.uuid == uuid:
return node
def get_by_instance_uuid(cls, request, instance_uuid):
"""Return the BareMetalNode associated with the instance ID
:param request: request object
:type request: django.http.HttpRequest
:param instance_uuid: ID of Instance that is deployed on the
BareMetalNode to be retrieved
:type instance_uuid: str
:return: matching BareMetalNode
:rtype: tuskar_ui.api.node.BareMetalNode
:raises: ironicclient.exc.HTTPNotFound if there is no BareMetalNode
with the matching instance UUID
#nodes = baremetalclient(request).list()
#node = next((n for n in nodes if instance_uuid == n.instance_uuid),
# None)
#return cls(node)
for node in BareMetalNode.list(request):
if node.instance_uuid == instance_uuid:
return node
def list(cls, request, associated=None):
"""Return a list of BareMetalNodes
:param request: request object
:type request: django.http.HttpRequest
:param associated: should we also retrieve all BareMetalNodes, only
those associated with an Instance, or only those not
associated with an Instance?
:type associated: bool
:return: list of BareMetalNodes, or an empty list if there are none
:rtype: list of tuskar_ui.api.node.BareMetalNode
#nodes = baremetalclient(request).list()
nodes = TEST_DATA.baremetalclient_nodes.list()
if associated is not None:
if associated:
nodes = [node for node in nodes
if node.instance_uuid is not None]
nodes = [node for node in nodes
if node.instance_uuid is None]
return [cls(node) for node in nodes]
def delete(cls, request, uuid):
"""Remove the BareMetalNode if it exists; otherwise, do nothing.
:param request: request object
:type request: django.http.HttpRequest
:param uuid: ID of BareMetalNode to be removed
:type uuid: str
def power_state(self):
"""Return a power state of this BareMetalNode
:return: power state of this node
:rtype: str
task_state_dict = {
'initializing': 'initializing',
'active': 'on',
'reboot': 'rebooting',
'building': 'building',
'deploying': 'deploying',
'prepared': 'prepared',
'deleting': 'deleting',
'deploy failed': 'deploy failed',
'deploy complete': 'deploy complete',
'deleted': 'deleted',
'error': 'error',
return task_state_dict.get(self.task_state, 'off')
def properties(self):
"""Return properties of this BareMetalNode
:return: return memory, cpus and local_disk properties
of this BareMetalNode, ram and local_disk properties
are in bytes
:rtype: dict of str
return {
'ram': self.memory_mb * 1024.0 * 1024.0,
'cpu': self.cpus,
'local_disk': self.local_gb * 1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0
def driver_info(self):
"""Return driver_info for this BareMetalNode
:return: return pm_address property of this BareMetalNode
:rtype: dict of str
ip_address = (self.instance._apiresource.addresses['ctlplane'][0]
except Exception:
LOG.error("Couldn't obtain IP address")
ip_address = None
return {
'ipmi_username': self.pm_user,
'ipmi_address': self.pm_address,
'ip_address': ip_address
def addresses(self):
"""Return a list of port addresses associated with this BareMetalNode
:return: list of port addresses associated with this BareMetalNode, or
an empty list if no addresses are associated with
this BareMetalNode
:rtype: list of str
return [interface["address"] for interface in
class NodeClient(object):
def __init__(self, request):
ironic_enabled = base.is_service_enabled(request, 'baremetal')
if ironic_enabled:
self.node_class = IronicNode
self.node_class = BareMetalNode
class Node(base.APIResourceWrapper):
_attrs = ('id', 'uuid', 'instance_uuid', 'driver', 'driver_info',
'properties', 'power_state', 'addresses')
def __init__(self, apiresource, request=None, **kwargs):
"""Initialize a Node
:param apiresource: apiresource we want to wrap
:type apiresource: novaclient.v1_1.contrib.baremetal.BareMetalNode
:param request: request
:type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
:param instance: instance relation we want to cache
:type instance: openstack_dashboard.api.nova.Server
:return: Node object
:rtype: tusar_ui.api.node.Node
super(Node, self).__init__(apiresource)
self._request = request
if 'instance' in kwargs:
self._instance = kwargs['instance']
def create(cls, request, ipmi_address, cpu, ram, local_disk,
mac_addresses, ipmi_username=None, ipmi_password=None):
return cls(NodeClient(request).node_class.create(
request, ipmi_address, cpu, ram, local_disk,
mac_addresses, ipmi_username=ipmi_username,
@handle_errors(_("Unable to retrieve node"))
def get(cls, request, uuid):
node = NodeClient(request).node_class.get(request, uuid)
if node.instance_uuid is not None:
#server = nova.server_get(request, node.instance_uuid)
server = TEST_DATA.novaclient_servers.first()
return cls(node, instance=server, request=request)
return cls(node)
@handle_errors(_("Unable to retrieve node"))
def get_by_instance_uuid(cls, request, instance_uuid):
node = NodeClient(request).node_class.get_by_instance_uuid(
request, instance_uuid)
#server = nova.server_get(request, instance_uuid)
server = TEST_DATA.novaclient_servers.first()
return cls(node, instance=server, request=request)
@handle_errors(_("Unable to retrieve nodes"), [])
def list(cls, request, associated=None):
nodes = NodeClient(request).node_class.list(
request, associated=associated)
if associated is None or associated:
#servers = nova.server_list(request)[0]
servers = TEST_DATA.novaclient_servers.list()
servers_dict = utils.list_to_dict(servers)
nodes_with_instance = []
for n in nodes:
server = servers_dict.get(n.instance_uuid, None)
nodes_with_instance.append(cls(n, instance=server,
return nodes_with_instance
return [cls(node, request=request) for node in nodes]
def delete(cls, request, uuid):
NodeClient(request).node_class.delete(request, uuid)
def instance(self):
"""Return the Nova Instance associated with this Node
:return: Nova Instance associated with this Node; or
None if there is no Instance associated with this
Node, or no matching Instance is found
:rtype: Instance
if hasattr(self, '_instance'):
return self._instance
if self.instance_uuid:
#server = nova.server_get(self._request, self.instance_uuid)
server = TEST_DATA.novaclient_servers.first()
return server
return None
def image_name(self):
"""Return image name of associated instance
Returns image name of instance associated with node
:return: Image name of instance
:rtype: string
if self.instance is None:
return image_get(self._request, self.instance.image['id']).name
def instance_status(self):
return getattr(getattr(self, 'instance', None),
'status', None)
def filter_nodes(nodes, healthy=None):
"""Filters the list of Nodes and returns the filtered list.
:param nodes: list of tuskar_ui.api.node.Node objects to filter
:type nodes: list
:param healthy: retrieve all Nodes (healthy=None),
only the healthly ones (healthy=True),
or only those in an error state (healthy=False)
:type healthy: None or bool
:return: list of filtered tuskar_ui.api.node.Node objects
:rtype: list
error_states = ('deploy failed', 'error',)
if healthy is not None:
if healthy:
nodes = [node for node in nodes
if node.power_state not in error_states]
nodes = [node for node in nodes
if node.power_state in error_states]
return nodes