Add a document about how to move to new openstack version for starlingx

This document take openstack train upgrade for example, and give out
detail upgrade step. It can guide other contributor to upgrade openstack
version in the future.

Patchset 3: Formatting to make doc consistent with rest of docs, grammar edits.
Patchset 4: Wording adjustments
Patchset 6: Wording adjustments, added link to CLI ref.

Story: 2006877
Task: 37495

Change-Id: Ie8d9097cb16c450805b96d14280b1e3315bc76f8
Signed-off-by: zhipengl <>
Signed-off-by: Kristal Dale <>
This commit is contained in:
zhipengl 2019-11-22 20:05:08 +08:00 committed by Kristal Dale
parent 87dc6ed862
commit af65c8f9bc
4 changed files with 232 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -189,6 +189,8 @@ Host IPMI configuration and management
Show host sensor group attributes.
.. _sys_app_management:
Application management

View File

@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ source code, and to understand the development process.
Project Specifications <>

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@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
Move to new OpenStack version in StarlingX
This section describes how to move from OpenStack Stein to OpenStack Train in
.. contents::
:depth: 1
When you apply the OpenStack application in StarlingX, the following OpenStack
services are launched in containers:
* stx-keystone
* stx-nova
* stx-neutron
* stx-horizon
* stx-placement
* stx-cinder
* stx-glance
* stx-aodh
* stx-ironic
* stx-panko
* stx-barbican
* stx-ceilometer
* stx-heat
Moving to a new OpenStack release in StarlingX applies updates to the already
installed OpenStack services. The examples in this section show the upgrade from
OpenStack Stein to OpenStack Train.
OpenStack Train upgrade patches
The following patches are included in the upgrade to OpenStack Train.
OpenStack service upgrade
OpenStack-helm & OpenStack-helm-infra RPM upgrade
.. note::
There is no tag for this 2-project release. You will need to select the
latest commit.
Upgrade to OpenStack Train
Update targeted branch/version
Update the targeted branch/version in the directives files for each project.
#. Update the
PIP_PACKAGES="pycrypto httplib2 pylint python-ironicclient"
DIST_PACKAGES="openssh-clients openssh-server libvirt e2fsprogs"
PROFILES="fluent nova ceph linuxbridge openvswitch configdrive qemu apache"
CUSTOMIZATION="yum install -y openssh-clients"
#. Update the
PIP_PACKAGES="pycrypto httplib2 pylint python-ironicclient"
DIST_PACKAGES="openssh-clients openssh-server libvirt e2fsprogs"
PROFILES="fluent nova ceph linuxbridge openvswitch configdrive qemu apache"
CUSTOMIZATION="yum install -y openssh-clients"
Build wheels for specific OpenStack version
#. Change the release in ``${MY_REPO}//build-tools/build-wheels/``:
#. Use the following script to get specific version information for dependent packages:
#. Update the ``build-tools/build-wheels/docker/stable-wheels.cfg`` file with
the related entries, as shown below:
#. Build wheels with the following command:
export OS=centos
export BUILD_STREAM=stable
export MY_REPO=/home/wrsroot/starlingx/workspace/localdisk/designer/wrsroot/starlingx/cgcs-root/
export MY_WORKSPACE=/home/wrsroot/starlingx/workspace/localdisk/loadbuild/wrsroot/starlingx/
${MY_REPO}//build-tools/build-wheels/ \
--os ${OS} \
--stream ${BUILD_STREAM}
Build Docker images for OpenStack
#. Build Docker images with the following command:
export OS=centos
export BUILD_STREAM=stable
export MY_REPO=/home/wrsroot/starlingx/workspace/localdisk/designer/wrsroot/starlingx/cgcs-root/
export MY_WORKSPACE=/home/wrsroot/starlingx/workspace/localdisk/loadbuild/wrsroot/starlingx/
export BRANCH=master
export CENTOS_BASE=starlingx/stx-centos:${BRANCH}-${BUILD_STREAM}-latest
export WHEELS=
time $MY_REPO/build-tools/build-docker-images/ \
--os centos \
--stream ${BUILD_STREAM} \
--base ${CENTOS_BASE} \
--wheels ${WHEELS} \
--latest \
--only $1 //stx-nova,stx-horizon
For additional information on building Docker images, refer to the
`StarlingX wiki entry for Building Images <>`_
Tag and push image to Docker registry
First tag and push your new image to Then tag and push to your local
registry for verification. For example:
docker images
root/stx-horizon dev-centos-stable-build ccce6df31a58 30 minutes ago 868MB
docker tag ccce6df31a58 username/stx-horizon:dev-centos-stable-train
docker push username/stx-heat:dev-centos-stable-train // push to
Update manifest.yaml
You will need to update the ``manifest.yaml`` file for the OpenStack upgrade.
The exact updates needed are determined on a case-by-case basis.
Please refer to this patch:
Test and debug
Here are some tips for testing and debugging your upgrade:
#. Refer to the
`StarlingX wiki entry for general container and debugging info <>`_.
#. You will need to create a test patch to perform pre-merge verification of your
test image. For example:
#. Use `system application management <sys_app_management>`_ commands to manage
the application. For example:
system application-upload -n stx-openstack stx-openstack-1.0-16.tgz
system application-apply stx-openstack
system application-remove stx-openstack
system application-delete stx-openstack
watch -n 5 system application-list
#. Use kubectl commands for log analysis. For example:
tail -f /var/log/sysinv.log
tail -f /var/log/armada/stx-openstack-apply.log
kubectl -n openstack get po
kubectl -n openstack logs nova-compute-compute-0-75ea0372-nmtz2
kubectl -n openstack exec -it nova-compute-compute-0-31b0f4b3-2rqgf -- bash
kubectl -n openstack describe pod nova-compute-compute-0-31b0f4b3-2rqgf
kubectl -n openstack get pod nova-compute-compute-0-31b0f4b3-2rqgf -o yaml
/var/log/container/*.log //To see related pod logs for issue debug

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@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
Move to New Version of StarlingX
This is a stub page for the topic: Move to New Version of StarlingX. You can help StarlingX by
expanding the content.
See the story for additional information about what is needed:
`Add Move to New Version Guide <!/story/2006877>`_
For information about contributing to the StarlingX documentation, see the
.. contents::
:depth: 1