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+ stx_sdo_rv
diff --git a/doc/source/developer_resources/stx_sdo_rv.rst b/doc/source/developer_resources/stx_sdo_rv.rst
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+Enable SDO RV Service on StarlingX
+.. contents::
+ :local:
+ :depth: 2
+`Secure Device Onboard (SDO) `_
+is an open source software that is in the process of becoming an industry
+standard through the FIDO (Fast IDentity Online) alliance, which automates the
+process of securely onboarding SDO capable devices. By “onboard” we mean the
+process by which device establishes its first trusted connection with the
+device management service.
+The devices to be onboarded through SDO can be X-86/ARM based platform ranging
+from small compute IoT devices to higher compute Xeon devices. The only condition
+is that, the device must come with necessary credentials and SDO client software
+during the manufacturing stage.
+The Secure Device Onboard process involves interactions between a number of
+different entities that participate in the process. Those include: Manufacturer,
+Device, Owner, Rendezvous service, Device platform service.
+This documents talks about enabling Rendezvous service on StarlingX.
+Integration Steps
+Following are the steps to build and enable SDO RV service.
+#. Complete building all the build layers. See `build guide `_ for reference.
+#. You can build application exclusively. Enter the flock layer, please refer
+ `flock layer `_
+ for same.
+#. Build application using below command:
+ ::
+ $ build-pkgs --clean stx-sdo-helm
+ $ build-pkgs --dep-test stx-sdo-helm
+ Following is the sample of a successful logs:
+ ::
+ 13:49:21 ===== iteration 1 complete =====
+ 13:49:21
+ 13:49:21 Results out to: /localdisk/loadbuild/stx/flock/std/results/stx-flock-4.0-std
+ 13:49:21
+ 13:49:21 Pkgs built: 2
+ 13:49:21 Packages successfully built in this order:
+ 13:49:21 /localdisk/loadbuild/stx/flock/std/rpmbuild/SRPMS/build-info-1.0-4.tis.src.rpm
+ 13:49:21 /localdisk/loadbuild/stx/flock/std/rpmbuild/SRPMS/stx-sdo-helm-1.0-2.tis.src.rpm
+ 13:49:22 Recreate repodata
+ ######## Tue Feb 23 13:49:23 UTC 2021: build-rpm-parallel --std was successful
+ Tue Feb 23 13:49:23 UTC 2021: std complete
+ Skipping 'rt' build, no valid targets in list: stx-sdo-helm
+ Skipping 'installer' build
+ Skipping 'containers' build
+ All builds were successful
+#. Create the armada application using below command:
+ ::
+ $ build-helm-charts.sh -a stx-sdo
+ Sample console output is as follows:
+ ::
+ Merging yaml from file: usr/lib/armada/sdo_manifest.yaml
+ Writing merged yaml file: stx-sdo.yaml
+ Results:
+ /localdisk/loadbuild/stx/flock/std/build-helm/stx/stx-sdo-1.0-2.tgz
+#. Exit from the container, the SDO-RV armada application will be found in the
+ location as follows:
+ ::
+ $HOME/starlingx/workspace/localdisk/loadbuild/stx/flock/std/build-helm/stx/stx-sdo-.tgz
+#. Copy the application into home folder of the controller.
+#. Copy the certs folder of the SDO version 1.10 release to the home
+ folder using below command.
+ ::
+ curl --progress-bar -LO https://github.com/secure-device-onboard/release/releases/download/v1.10.0/rendezvous-service-v1.10.0.tar.gz
+ tar -zxf rendezvous-service-v1.10.0.tar.gz
+#. Acquire admin credentials:
+ ::
+ source /etc/platform/openrc
+#. Load the stx-openstack application’s package into StarlingX. The tarball package contains stx-openstack’s Airship Armada manifest and stx-openstack’s set of helm charts. For example:
+ ::
+ system application-upload stx-sdo-.tgz
+#. Apply the stx-sdo application in order to bring SDO RV application into service. If your environment is preconfigured with a proxy server, then make sure HTTPS proxy is set before applying stx-sdo.
+ ::
+ system application-apply stx-sdo
+#. Check the application status using below command:
+ ::
+ system application-show stx-sdo
+After the application apply is success, you will see the RV service and redis
+DB pods running. For example:
+ [sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system
+ redis-6d76cdd759-wpnv7 1/1 Running 0 11d
+ rv.deploy-6b9c4b8b65-chf2v 1/1 Running 0 11d