.. vpi1552679480629 .. _view-storage-utilization-using-horizon: ====================================== View Storage Utilization Using Horizon ====================================== You can view storage utilization in the Horizon Web interface. .. rubric:: |context| The storage utilization shows the free, used and total capacity for the system, as well as storage I/O throughput. For more information on per-host storage, see |node-doc|: :ref:`Storage Tab `. .. rubric:: |proc| #. Navigate to **Admin** \> **Platform** \> **Storage Overview** in Horizon. In the following example screen, two controllers on an AIO-Duplex system are configured with storage with Ceph OSDs **osd.0** through **osd.5**. .. image:: /shared/figures/storage/gzf1569521230362.png Rank is evaluated and assigned when a monitor is added to the cluster. It is based on the IP address and port assigned.