.. _apply-the-upgrade-strategy-using-horizon-d0aab18cc724: ======================================== Apply the Upgrade Strategy using Horizon ======================================== You can upgrade the platform software across the Distributed Cloud system by applying the upgrade strategy for Distributed Cloud Upgrade Orchestration. .. rubric:: |prereq| Create the Upgrade strategy for subclouds. For more information, see :ref:`create-an-upgrade-orchestration-using-horizon-9f8c6c2f3706`. .. rubric:: |proc| #. Select the **SystemController** region. #. Select **Distributed Cloud Admin** > **Orchestration**. #. On the **Orchestration** page, select the **Orchestration Strategy** tab. .. figure:: figures/bqu1525123082913.png Orchestration Strategy #. Click **Apply Strategy**. * To monitor the progress of the overall Upgrade orchestration, use the **Orchestration Strategy** tab. * To monitor the progress of host Upgrades on RegionOne or a subcloud, use the **Host Inventory** page on the subcloud.