.. _introduction-bb3a04279bf5: ===================== KubeVirt Introduction ===================== The KubeVirt system application in StarlingX includes: KubeVirt, Containerized Data Importer (|CDI|), and the Virtctl client tool. KubeVirt is an open source project that allows |VMs| to be run and managed as pods inside a Kubernetes cluster. This is a particularly important innovation as traditional |VM| workloads can be moved into Kubernetes alongside already containerized workloads, thereby taking advantage of Kubernetes as an orchestration engine. Specifically, KubeVirt |VM| workloads and containerized workloads can exist on the same node/host; an advantage over the OpenStack solution in |prod| where workloads can exist on same system/cluster but not on the same node/host. The |CDI| is an open source project that provides facilities for enabling |PVCs| to be used as disks for KubeVirt |VMs| by way of DataVolumes. The Virtctl client tool is an open source tool distributed with KubeVirt and required to use advanced features such as serial and graphical console access. It also provides convenience commands for starting/stopping |VMs|, live migrating |VMs|, canceling live migrations and uploading |VM| disk images. See https://kubevirt.io/user-guide for more details.