.. _configure-rest-api-applications-and-web-administration-server-certificates-after-installation-6816457ab95f: ========================================================================= Configure REST API Applications and Web Administration Server certificate ========================================================================= |prod| provides support for secure HTTPS external connections used for |prod| REST API application endpoints (Keystone, Barbican and |prod|) and the |prod| web administration server. During installation, the Platform Issuer (``system-local-ca``) will automatically issue a certificate used to secure access to the |prod| REST API and to the Web Server GUI. This allows the system to have HTTPS access enabled from the bootstrap to the services. This certificate will be stored in a K8s |TLS| secret in namespace ``deployment``, named ``system-restapi-gui-certificate``. It will be managed by cert-manager, renewed upon expiration and the required services restarted automatically. After bootstrap, this certificate's fields can be updated using the procedure :ref:`migrate-platform-certificates-to-use-cert-manager-c0b1727e4e5d`. The certificate will be managed by cert-manager (auto renewed upon expiration). The certificate will be anchored by ``system-local-ca``'s Root |CA|. For more information, refer to :ref:`system-local-ca-issuer-9196c5794834`.