.. _docker_proxy_config: ========================== Docker Proxy Configuration ========================== |org| uses publicly available container runtime registries. If you are behind a corporate firewall or proxy, you need to set proxy settings. For example, if the |prod| |OAM| interface or network is behind an http/https proxy, relative to the Docker registries used by |prod| or applications running on |prod|, then Docker within |prod| must be configured to use these http/https proxies. .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 -------------- Proxy overview -------------- The figure below shows how proxies are used in |prod|. .. include:: /_includes/docker-proxy-config.rest :start-after: figures_begin :end-before: figures_end The items labeled *a* and *b* in the figure indicate two configuration files: * Configuration file *a* lists sysadmin shell proxy environment variables. This file is not required for |prod| bootstrap or any |prod| operations. You **must** manually add this file if you are accessing the public network via a proxy. You **must** add the following |prod| specific IP addresses to the no_proxy list: * registry.local * {controller |OAM| gateway IP/floating IP/host IP} * {controller management floating IP/host IP} * {controller cluster gateway IP} * {apiserver cluster IP for Kubernetes} * {coredns cluster IP for Kubernetes} * `*.cluster.local` * Configuration file *b* lists container runtime proxy variables (docker_proxy). Configure these variables in the ``localhost.yml`` file before Ansible bootstrap. This file is **required** if you are accessing the public network via a proxy. |prod| specific IP addresses will be automatically added to the no_proxy list. The numbered items in the figure indicate the process flow: #. In the ``localhost.yml`` file, fill in the Docker proxy section for configuration file *b*. #. The bootstrap process is responsible for pulling Docker images from either: * the public registry using the proxy setting in (1) or * the private registry within the company/organization network. The bootstrap process will push to the registry.local afterwards. #. After the Kubernetes API server is running, the bootstrap process will communicate with it for further |prod| configuration. You **must** ensure the cluster network gateway is set for no_proxy in configuration file *a*. #. After |prod| provisioning is complete, any operations that pull Docker images will use configuration file *b*. All other operations, including kubectl and system operations, will use the sysadmin shell and configuration file *a*. .. include:: /_includes/docker-proxy-config.rest :start-after: r3_begin :end-before: r3_end ------------------ Set HTTP proxy URL ------------------ To specify the HTTP proxy URL, use the commands: :: system service-parameter-modify platform docker http_proxy http://my.proxy.com:1080 system service-parameter-apply platform ------------------- Set HTTPS proxy URL ------------------- To specify the HTTPS proxy URL, use the commands: :: system service-parameter-modify platform docker https_proxy https://my.proxy.com:1443 system service-parameter-apply platform ------------------------- Set no_proxy address list ------------------------- A no_proxy address list can be provided for registries not on the other side of the proxies. This list will be added to the default no_proxy list derived from localhost, loopback, management, and |OAM| floating addresses at runtime. Due to a Docker restriction, each address in the no_proxy list must not be in subnet format and it cannot contain a wildcard. For example: To specify a no_proxy list, use the commands: :: system service-parameter-modify platform docker no_proxy:, system service-parameter-apply platform