.. xkr1590157116928 .. _about-kubernetes-orchestrated-upgrades: ==================================================== About Kubernetes Version Upgrade Cloud Orchestration ==================================================== Kubernetes version upgrade cloud orchestration allows the Kubernetes version on all hosts of an entire |prod-long| cloud to be updated with a single operation. You can configure and run Kubernetes version upgrade cloud orchestration using the CLI, or the stx-nfv VIM REST API. .. _xkr1590157116928-section-phk-xls-tlb: ----------------------------------------------------------- Kubernetes Version Upgrade Cloud Orchestration Requirements ----------------------------------------------------------- Kubernetes version upgrade orchestration can only be done on a system that meets the following conditions: .. _xkr1590157116928-ul-frz-yls-tlb: - The system is clear of alarms \(with the exception of alarms for locked hosts, stopped instances, and Kubernetes version upgrade cloud orchestration in progress\). .. note:: When configuring Kubernetes version upgrade cloud orchestration, you have the option to ignore alarms that are not management-affecting severity. For more information, see :ref:`Kubernetes Version Upgrade Cloud Orchestration `. - There are unlocked-enabled worker function hosts in the system that requires Kubernetes Version Upgrade Cloud Orchestration. The *Kubernetes Upgrade Orchestration Strategy* creation step will fail if there are no qualified hosts detected. A Kubernetes version upgrade is a reboot required operation. Therefore, in systems that have the |prefix|-openstack application applied with running instances, if the migrate option is selected there must be spare openstack-compute \(worker\) capacity to move instances off the openstack-compute \(worker\) host\(s\) being upgraded. .. note:: Administrative controller ``swact`` operations should be avoided during Kubernetes version upgrade orchestration.