================== R3.0 Release Notes ================== .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 --------- ISO image --------- You can find a pre-built ISO and Docker images for StarlingX release 3.0 at `CENGN’s StarlingX mirror `_. ------ Branch ------ The source code for StarlingX release 3.0 is available in the r/stx.3.0 branch in the StarlingX Git repositories. ---------- Deployment ---------- A system install is required to deploy the StarlingX release 3.0. There is no upgrade path from previous StarlingX releases. ----------------------------- New features and enhancements ----------------------------- The list below provides a detailed list of features with the associated StoryBoard entries for the features. * Infrastructure and Cluster Monitoring `2005733 `_ * Integrate with Openstack Train `2006544 `_ * Integrate Distributed Cloud with containers `2004766 `_ * Integrate Backup & Restore with containers `2004761 `_ * Intel FPGA K8s Device Plugin Initial Integration `2006495 `_ * Intel GPU K8s Device Plugin Integration `2005937 `_ * Intel QAT K8s Device Plugin Integration `2005514 `_ * Layered Build Prep `2006166 `_ * Redfish Integration `2005861 `_ * Support for authenticated registry for bootstrap and application apply `2006274 `_ * Support for OpenID connet authentication parameters for bootstrap `2006235 `_ * Support for floating and pinned workloads on worker nodes `2006565 `_ * Support for NTP and PTP co-existence `2006499 `_ * Time Sensitive Networking for VMs `2005516 `_ * Upversion container components `2005860, `_ `2006347 `_ ------------------------- Known limitations in R3.0 ------------------------- The following are known limitations in the StarlingX R3.0 release. Workarounds are suggested where applicable. Note that these limitations are considered temporary and will likely be resolved in a future release. ******************************** Changing Keystone admin password ******************************** After the Keystone admin password is changed, kube-system namespace registry secrets must be manually updated. Tracking Launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1853017 It is recommended that the Keystone admin password not be changed unless necessary. **Workaround:** If you must update the WRCP's Keystone admin user password in R3.0, you must also manually update the kube-system namespace's registry secrets that hold the admin password for image pulls: #. Update the WRCP Keystone admin user password: :: openstack user set --password newP@ssw0rd admin #. Update the kube-system namespace's `registry-local-secret` secret: :: kubectl -n kube-system create secret docker-registry registry-local-secret --docker-server=registry.local:9001 --docker-username=admin --docker-password=newP@ssw0rd -o yaml --dry-run=true > registry-local-secret-update.yaml kubectl -n kube-system replace secret registry-local-secret -f registry-local-secret-update.yaml #. Update the kube-system namespace's `default-registry-key` secret: :: kubectl -n kube-system create secret docker-registry default-registry-key --docker-server=registry.local:9001 --docker-username=admin --docker-password=newP@ssw0rd -o yaml --dry-run=true > default-registry-key-update.yaml kubectl -n kube-system replace secret default-registry-key -f default-registry-key-update.yaml In a distributed cloud deployment, the registry secrets must also be updated on all subclouds in the system.