echo "Loading topic types ..." # Add convenience templates for rst content here. # Task-oriented procedures task=".. _$filename: $strike $title $strike .. rubric:: |context| .. context here .. rubric:: |prereq| .. prerequisites here .. rubric:: |proc| #. Step 1 #. Step 2 .. rubric:: |result| .. procedure results here " # EOT # Index file names should be unique across all repos index=".. _$filename: $strike $title $strike .. Uncomment topic-a etc. below and replace with the names of your topics, excluding the ".rst" extension .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 .. topic-a .. topic-b " # Tabular data reference=".. _$filename: $strike $title $strike .. See .. list-table:: * - Column 1 - Column 2 - Column 3 * - Row 1, value 1 - Value 1 - Value 2 " # Generic topic topic=".. _$filename: $strike $title $strike .. content here " # include file include=" .. If this file will contain only one text fragment, delete the \".. begin-\" and \".. end-\" comments below and simply include your rST content. .. If this file will include more than one text fragment, replace with a string describing the fragment. This string must be unique and contain no spaces. Comments must match for each fragment, for example: .. begin-source-env-note .. end-source-env-note Repeat this pattern for each fragment in the file. .. This file should be saved to the doc/source/_include directory of your project. .. For more information on including content fragments, see: .. begin- .. content here .. end- "