.. _increase-worker-filesystem-storage-allotments-using-the-cli-da92e5d15a69: =========================================================== Increase Worker Filesystem Storage Allotments Using the CLI =========================================================== You can use the |CLI| to list or increase the allotments for worker-based storage at any time after installation. .. caution:: Decreasing the filesystem size is not supported, and can result in synchronization failures requiring system re-installation. Do not attempt to decrease the size of the filesystem. .. rubric:: |proc| #. To review the existing host filesystems on a worker host, use the :command:`system host-fs-list ` command. For example: .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-fs-list worker-0 #. To add a filesystem use the :command:`host-fs-add` CLI command. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-fs-add worker-0 docker=60 The syntax is: .. code-block:: none system host-fs-add Where: * ``hostname or id`` is the location where the file system will be added. * ``fs-name`` is the filesystem name. * ``size`` is an integer indicating the file system size in Gigabytes. #. Modify, for example, the docker host filesystem size on worker-0, use the :command:`system host-fs-modify docker=60` command. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-fs-modify worker-0 docker=60 .. note:: When you use the :command:`system host-fs-modify` to increase the filesystem size, you may not have enough space in the |LVG| due to additional services running on the worker host. To increase the size from the default size of 30G to 60G for example, the docker filesystem, see below: .. code-block:: bash # check existing size of docker fs system host-fs-list worker-0 # check available space (Avail Size (GiB)) in cgts-vg LVG where docker fs is located system host-lvg-list worker-0 # if existing docker fs size + cgts-vg available space is less than # 80G, you will need to add a new disk partition to cgts-vg. # There must be at least 20GB of available space after the docker # filesystem is increased. # Assuming you have unused space on ROOT DISK, add partition to ROOT DISK. # ( if not use another unused disk ) # Get device path of ROOT DISK system host-show worker-0 --nowrap | fgrep rootfs # Get UUID of ROOT DISK by listing disks system host-disk-list worker-0 # Create new PARTITION on ROOT DISK, and take note of new partition's 'uuid' in response # Use a partition size such that you'll be able to increase docker fs size from 30G to 60G PARTITION_SIZE=30 system hostdisk-partition-add -t lvm_phys_vol worker-0 ${PARTITION_SIZE} # Add new partition to 'cgts-vg' local volume group system host-pv-add worker-0 cgts-vg sleep 2 # wait for partition to be added # Increase docker filesystem to 60G system host-fs-modify worker-0 docker=60 For more information on Host FileSystems, see :ref:`Host FileSystems `