.. _upgrade-the-netapp-trident-software-c5ec64d213d3: =================================== Upgrade the NetApp Trident Software =================================== .. rubric:: |context| |prod| |prod-ver| contains the installer for Trident 22.01, but installations that have been upgraded from the previous |prod| version and were configured to use a NetApp backend will still be running Trident 21.04 after the upgrade to |prod| |prod-ver|. .. code-block:: none [sysadmin@controller-0 trident(keystone_admin)]$ tridentctl -n trident version +----------------+----------------+ | SERVER VERSION | CLIENT VERSION | +----------------+----------------+ | 20.04.0 | 21.04.1 | +----------------+----------------+ .. note:: In the table above, the client version refers to the binary (``tridentctl``) and the server version refers to the services installed in Kubernetes. This difference between versions only occurs during the upgrade, as the client version will be upgraded, but the server version will be the current version at this point. .. rubric:: |proc| Before upgrading Kubernetes to version |kube-ver|, the running version of Trident must be updated to 22.01. This will not disrupt any containers that are already running, but will cause a brief outage to the NetApp Trident control plane. The steps are as follows: #. Locate the ``localhost.yaml`` file that was used originally to install Trident, as described in :ref:`Configure an External NetApp Deployment as the Storage Backend `. #. Add the line ``trident_force_reinstall: true`` to the file. #. Run the ``install_netapp_backend.yml`` playbook again as per Run Playbook step of section :ref:`Configure an External NetApp Deployment as the Storage Backend `. #. On completion, verify that the Trident server version has been updated: .. code-block:: none [sysadmin@controller-0 trident(keystone_admin)]$ tridentctl -n trident version +----------------+----------------+ | SERVER VERSION | CLIENT VERSION | +----------------+----------------+ | 21.01 | 22.01 | +----------------+----------------+