#!/bin/bash # # Post-build checks on HTML go here. RED='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color cd doc/build # 1. Check for rST formatting issues that don't cause build warnings/errors echo "Checking for \"grey bar\" formatting errors in output ..." GREY_FILES=( $(grep -rl --include="*.html" "blockquote" .) ) if [ ${#GREY_FILES[@]} != 0 ]; then echo "Found ${#GREY_FILES[@]} file(s):" for FILE in ${GREY_FILES[@]}; do echo -e "${RED}$FILE${NC}" done echo "Using a browser, locate vertical grey bars in the left margin of the above file(s), then correct the issue(s) in the cooresponding rST file(s)." # Set -W to halt tox if [[ $1 == "-W" ]]; then exit 1 fi fi # 2. do - check for emdash before option (missing backticks)