.. fan1552681866651 .. _establish-keystone-credentials-from-a-linux-account: =============================================================================== For StarlingX and Platform OpenStack CLIs from a Local LDAP Linux Account Login =============================================================================== You can establish Keystone credentials for executing StarlingX and Platform OpenStack |CLIs| for a local |LDAP| user, if required; this is not setup by default. .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. rubric:: |context| For more information about :command:`ldapusersetup`, see :ref:`Create LDAP Linux Accounts `. User accounts created using :command:`ldapusersetup` have access to the StarlingX |CLIs| (system, fm, sw-patch, dcmanager, etc.) and the platform 'OpenStack' CLI as part of the shell. .. rubric:: |prereq| .. _establish-keystone-credentials-from-a-linux-account-ul-qyv-fzm-ynb: - You must have a platform Keystone user account. For more information about creating Keystone users, managing keystone projects, users and roles, see `https://docs.openstack.org/keystone/pike/admin/cli-manage-projects-users-and-roles.html `__. - It is recommended to use the same username for both your local |LDAP| user and your Keystone user. .. rubric:: |context| You can establish Keystone credentials, in order to use the StarlingX and Platform OpenStack |CLIs|, using one of the following methods: .. rubric:: |proc| .. _estabilish-keystone-credentials-from-a-linux-account-steps-hjs-dwm-ynb: #. (Method 1) When you have logged into the Horizon Web interface with your Keystone user credentials, download an OpenStack RC file (openrc.sh), and use it to source the required environment within your local LDAP user shell . For more information on downloading your OpenStack RC file from Horizon, see, `http://docs.openstack.org `__. #. (Method 2) Add the required environment variables manually into a wrcprc.sh file and use this to source the required environment within your local |LDAP| user shell. .. note:: For security and reliability, add all the variables. **OS_USERNAME** the Keystone user name **OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME** the default domain for the user **OS_PROJECT_NAME** the tenant name **OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME** the default domain for the project **OS_PASSWORD** a clear text representation of the Keystone password **OS_AUTH_URL** the Keystone Authentication URL **OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION** the identity API version **OS_INTERFACE** the interface **OS_REGION_NAME** the Keystone Region Name