.. _kubernetes-custom-configuration-31c1fd41857d: =============================== Kubernetes Custom Configuration =============================== ------------ Introduction ------------ Kubernetes configuration can be customized during deployment by specifying bootstrap overrides in the ``localhost.yml`` file during the Ansible bootstrap process or during runtime via ``sysinv service-parameters`` |CLI|. Custom configuration includes: - Configuring options on ``kube-apiserver`` such as feature gates and admission controllers, - Configuring options on ``kube-controller-manager`` such as ``node-monitor-period`` and ``pod-eviction-timeout``, - Configuring options on ``kube-scheduler`` such as feature gates, - Configuring options on kubelet such as maximum pods and enabling unsafe sysctls. ---------------------------- kube-apiserver configuration ---------------------------- The Kubernetes API server validates and configures data for the API objects which include pods, services, replicationcontrollers, and others. The API Server services REST operations and provides the frontend to the cluster's shared state through which all other components interact. For a list of all configurable options of kube-apiserver, see `kube-apiserver `__. **Bootstrap configuration** To set or override a ``kube-apiserver`` option, add the desired parameters to an ``apiserver_extra_args`` section in the ``localhost.yml``. Example usage: .. code-block:: apiserver_extra_args: admission-control-config-file: "/etc/kubernetes/admission-control-config-file.yml" audit-policy-file: "/etc/kubernetes/audit-policy-file.yml" default-not-ready-toleration-seconds: "35" default-unreachable-toleration-seconds: "35" feature-gates: "SCTPSupport=true,TTLAfterFinished=true,HugePageStorageMediumSize=true,RemoveSelfLink=false,MemoryManager=true" enable-admission-plugins: "NodeRestriction,PodNodeSelector" event-ttl: "20h" **Runtime configuration** To set, modify or delete a ``kube-apiserver`` parameter use the ``service-parameter add``, ``modify`` or ``delete`` |CLI| command. Example usage: - Add new parameter .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-add kubernetes kube_apiserver default-not-ready-toleration-seconds=31 system service-parameter-apply kubernetes .. note:: Parameter must not exist on service parameters, otherwise use :command:`modify` command. - Modify existing parameter .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-modify kubernetes kube_apiserver default-not-ready-toleration-seconds=33 system service-parameter-apply kubernetes - Delete parameter .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-list Copy parameter uuid to be deleted: .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-delete ------------------------------------- kube-controller-manager configuration ------------------------------------- The Kubernetes controller manager is a daemon that embeds the core control loops shipped with Kubernetes. A controller is a control loop that watches the shared state of the cluster through the apiserver and makes changes attempting to move the current state towards the desired state. For a list of all configurable options of kube-controller-manager, see `kube-controller-manager `__. **Bootstrap configuration** To set or override a ``kube-controller-manager`` option, add the desired parameters to an ``controllermanager_extra_args`` section in the ``localhost.yml``. Example usage: .. code-block:: controllermanager_extra_args: node-monitor-period: "4s" node-monitor-grace-period: "25s" pod-eviction-timeout: '35s' feature-gates: "TTLAfterFinished=true,MemoryManager=true" **Runtime configuration** To set, modify or delete a ``kube-controller-manager`` parameter use the ``service-parameter add``, ``modify`` or ``delete`` |CLI| command. Example usage: - Add new parameter .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-add kubernetes kube_controller_manager node-monitor-period=5s system service-parameter-apply kubernetes .. note:: Parameter must not exist on service parameters, otherwise use :command:`modify` command. - Modify existing parameter .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-modify kubernetes kube_controller_manager node-monitor-period=7s system service-parameter-apply kubernetes - Delete parameter .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-list Copy parameter uuid to be deleted: .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-delete ---------------------------- kube-scheduler configuration ---------------------------- The Kubernetes scheduler is a control plane process which assigns Pods to Nodes. The scheduler determines which Nodes are valid placements for each Pod in the scheduling queue according to constraints and available resources. The scheduler then ranks each valid Node and binds the Pod to a suitable Node. Multiple different schedulers may be used within a cluster; ``kube-scheduler`` is the reference implementation. For a list of all configurable options of ``kube-scheduler``, see `kube-scheduler `__. **Bootstrap configuration** To set or override a ``kube-scheduler`` option, add the desired parameters to an ``scheduler_extra_args`` section in the ``localhost.yml``. Example usage: .. code-block:: scheduler_extra_args: feature-gates: "TTLAfterFinished=false" **Runtime configuration** To set, modify or delete a ``kube-controller-manager`` parameter use the ``service-parameter add``, ``modify`` or ``delete`` |CLI| command. Example usage: - Add new parameter .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-add kubernetes kube_scheduler leader-elect-lease-duration=16s system service-parameter-apply kubernetes .. note:: Parameter must not exist on service parameters, otherwise use :command:`modify` command. - Modify existing parameter .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-modify kubernetes kube_scheduler leader-elect-lease-duration=14s system service-parameter-apply kubernetes - Delete parameter .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-list Copy parameter uuid to be deleted: .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-delete ---------------------- kubelet configurations ---------------------- The kubelet is the primary "node agent" that runs on each node. For a list of all configurable options, see `Kubelet Configuration (v1beta1) `__. **Bootstrap configuration** To set or override a kubelet option, add the desired parameters to a ``kubelet_configurations`` section in the ``localhost.yml``. Example usage: .. code-block:: kubelet_configurations: featureGates: MemoryManager: true HugePageStorageMediumSize: true **Runtime configuration** To set, modify or delete a kubelet parameter use the ``service-parameter add``, ``modify`` or ``delete`` |CLI| command. The expected structure for existing field types are: - String, bool, meta/v1.Duration: - No structure defined, quotes may or may not be used. - Example: ``cgroupDriver=cgroupfs`` or ``cgroupDriver="cgroupfs"`` - int32,int64: - No structure defined, quotes may or may not be used. - Example: ``imageGCLowThresholdPercent=70`` or ``imageGCLowThresholdPercent="70"`` - Array of strings (``[]string``): - JSON-like format: ``'["string1","string2","stringN"]'`` - Example: ``clusterDNS='[""]'`` - ``map[string]string``: json format. - JSON-like format: ``'{"key_string1":"string1","key_string2":"string2","key_stringN":"stringN"}'`` - Example: ``evictionHard='{"memory.available": "100Mi", "nodefs.available": "10%","nodefs.inodesFree": "6%", "imagefs.available": "2Gi"}'`` Example usage: - Add new parameter .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-add kubernetes kubelet clusterDNS='[""]' system service-parameter-apply kubernetes .. note:: Parameter must not exist on service parameters, otherwise use :command:`modify`` command. - Modify existent parameter .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-modify kubernetes kubelet nodeStatusUpdateFrequency="5s" system service-parameter-apply kubernetes - Delete parameter .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-list Copy parameter uuid to be deleted: .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-delete -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler extra-volumes configuration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some options/parameters specified in ``apiserver_extra_args``, ``controller-manager_extra_args`` and ``scheduler extra-args`` refer to configuration files or directories. Those referenced files or directories must be mounted as volumes on the corresponding control plane pod using the ``extra-volume`` parameters. **Bootstrap configuration** To set or override an ``extra-volumes`` option, add the desired parameters to the corresponding ``extra-args`` section in the ``localhost.yml``, add the desired ``extra-volume`` including the volume details and file contents (if corresponds). For instance, if admission plugins are configured and need additional configuration, that configuration should be set in a specific file referenced by the ``admission-control-config-file`` parameter. See the example below where the ``admission-control-config-file`` option and the ``PodNodeSelector`` admission plugin is specified for ``kube-apiserver``. Both of these options require the specification of a yaml file. Example usage: .. code-block:: apiserver_extra_args: admission-control-config-file: "/etc/kubernetes/admission-control-config-file.yaml" enable-admission-plugins: "PodNodeSelector" apiserver_extra_volumes: - name: admission-control-config-file mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes/admission-control-config-file.yaml" hostPath: "/etc/kubernetes/admission-control-config-file.yaml" readOnly: true pathType: "File" content: | apiVersion: apiserver.config.k8s.io/v1 kind: AdmissionConfiguration plugins: - name: PodSecurity configuration: apiVersion: pod-security.admission.config.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: PodSecurityConfiguration # Defaults applied when a mode label is not set. # # Level label values must be one of: # - "privileged" (default) # - "baseline" # - "restricted" # # Version label values must be one of: # - "latest" (default) # - specific version like "v1.24" defaults: enforce: "privileged" enforce-version: "latest" audit: "privileged" audit-version: "latest" warn: "privileged" warn-version: "latest" exemptions: # Array of authenticated usernames to exempt. usernames: [] # Array of runtime class names to exempt. runtimeClasses: [] # Array of namespaces to exempt. namespaces: [] - name: pod-node-selector mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes/pod-node-selector.yaml" hostPath: "/etc/kubernetes/pod-node-selector.yaml" readOnly: true pathType: "File" content: | podNodeSelectorPluginConfig: clusterDefaultNodeSelector: name-of-node-selector namespace1: name-of-node-selector namespace2: name-of-node-selector The example below enables kubernetes auditing which requires an ``audit-policy-file.yaml`` file to specify the details of what events should be audited. Example usage: .. code-block:: apiserver_extra_args: audit-policy-file: /etc/kubernetes/audit-policy-file.yaml audit-log-path: /var/log/kubernetes/audit/audit.log apiserver_extra_volumes: - name: audit-policy-file mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes/audit-policy-file.yaml" hostPath: "/etc/kubernetes/audit-policy-file.yaml" readOnly: true pathType: "File" content: | # Log all requests at the Metadata level. apiVersion: audit.k8s.io/v1 kind: Policy rules: - level: Metadata - name: audit-log-path mountPath: "/var/log/kubernetes/audit/" hostPath: "/var/log/kubernetes/audit/" readOnly: false pathType: "DirectoryOrCreate" **Runtime configuration** To set, modify or delete an extra-volume parameter use the ``service-parameter add``, ``modify`` or ``delete`` |CLI| command. Valid extra-volume sections: - ``kube_apiserver_volumes`` - ``kube_controller_manager_volumes`` - ``kube_scheduler_volumes`` Valid extra-volume parameter fields: - ``name``: - Volume name. - ``hostPath``: - Absolute path in node file system where the file or directory to mount is located. - ``mounthPath (opc)``: - Absolute path in pod file system used to mount the file or directory. - Default value: same as hostPath. - ``pathType (opc)``: - The supported values are: - DirectoryOrCreate: If nothing exists at the given path, an empty directory will be created there as needed with permission set to 0755, having the same group and ownership with Kubelet. - File: A file must exist at the given path. - Default value: File. - ``readOnly (opc)``: - The supported values are: true or false. - Default value: true. Valid input formats: - Pairs of strings separated by commas: - Example: ``audit-log-dir=hostPath:/var/log/kubernetes/audit,readOnly:false,pathType:DirectoryOrCreate`` - JSON format: - Example: ``encryption-config='{"name": "encryption-config", "hostPath": "/etc/kubernetes/encryption-provider.yaml", "mountPath": "/etc/kubernetes/encryption-provider.yaml", "readOnly": true, "pathType":"File"}'`` Example usage with two linked configuration files: An admission controller could be added to mitigates the problem when the API server gets flooded by requests to store new Events. The cluster admin can specify event rate limits by enabling the EventRateLimit admission controller and referencing an EventRateLimit configuration file. - Add new extra-args parameters .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-add kubernetes kube_apiserver admission-control-config-file=/etc/kubernetes/admission-control-config-file.yaml system service-parameter-add kubernetes kube_apiserver enable-admission-plugins=EventRateLimit .. note:: Parameter must not exist on service parameters, otherwise use :command:`modify` command. - Add new extra-volume parameters .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-add kubernetes kube_apiserver_volumes admission-control-config-file=hostPath:/etc/kubernetes/admission-control-config-file.yaml system service-parameter-add kubernetes kube_apiserver_volumes eventconfig=hostPath:/etc/kubernetes/eventconfig.yaml system service-parameter-apply kubernetes .. note:: Parameter must not exist on service parameters, otherwise use :command:`modify` command. - Modify existent parameter The configuration file name, for example, can be changed. During this operation, the preloaded configuration file will be replaced. .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-modify kubernetes kube_apiserver_volumes admission-control-config-file=hostPath:/etc/kubernetes/new-admission-control-config-file.yaml system service-parameter-apply kubernetes - Delete parameters .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-list Copy parameter uuid to be deleted: .. code-block:: none system service-parameter-delete In the current example, if EventRateLimit is no longer needed, it should be removed from the ``kube_apiserver enable-admission-plugins`` parameter, either by changing its value or by removing the parameter. Then the extra-volume ``kube_apiserver_volumes eventconfig`` parameter can be deleted. If the configuration file is no longer needed, the ``kube_apserver admission-control-config-file`` parameter can also be removed. Then the-extra volume ``kube_apiserver_volumes connections-control-config-file`` can be deleted. - Configuration Files Examples: - ``admission-control-config-file.yaml`` .. code-block:: none apiVersion: apiserver.config.k8s.io/v1 kind: AdmissionConfiguration plugins: - name: EventRateLimit path: /etc/kubernetes/eventconfig.yaml - ``eventconfig.yaml`` .. code-block:: none apiVersion: eventratelimit.admission.k8s.io/v1alpha1 kind: Configuration limits: - type: Namespace qps: 50 burst: 100 cacheSize: 2000 - type: User qps: 10 burst: 50 ----------------------------- Complex Example configuration ----------------------------- .. code-block:: apiserver_extra_args: admission-control-config-file: "/etc/kubernetes/admission-control-config-file.yml" audit-policy-file: "/etc/kubernetes/audit-policy-file.yml" default-not-ready-toleration-seconds: "35" default-unreachable-toleration-seconds: "35" feature-gates: "SCTPSupport=true,TTLAfterFinished=true,HugePageStorageMediumSize=true,RemoveSelfLink=false,MemoryManager=true" enable-admission-plugins: "NodeRestriction,PodNodeSelector" event-ttl: "20h" audit-log-path: "/var/log/kubernetes/audit/audit.log" audit-log-maxage: "1" audit-log-maxbackup: "2" audit-log-maxsize: "1" scheduler_extra_args: feature-gates: "TTLAfterFinished=false" controllermanager_extra_args: node-monitor-period: "4s" node-monitor-grace-period: "25s" pod-eviction-timeout: '35s' feature-gates: "TTLAfterFinished=true,MemoryManager=true" kubelet_configurations: featureGates: MemoryManager: true HugePageStorageMediumSize: true apiserver_extra_volumes: - name: admission-control-config-file mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes/admission-control-config-file.yml" hostPath: "/etc/kubernetes/admission-control-config-file.yml" pathType: "File" readOnly: true content: | apiVersion: apiserver.config.k8s.io/v1 kind: AdmissionConfiguration plugins: - name: PodNodeSelector path: /etc/kubernetes/podnodeselector.yaml - name: pod-nodes-selector-plugin-config mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes/podnodeselector.yaml" hostPath: "/etc/kubernetes/podnodeselector.yaml" pathType: "File" readOnly: true content: | podNodeSelecto+rPluginConfig: clusterDefaultNodeSelector: name-of-node-selector namespace1: name-of-node-selector namespace2: name-of-node-selector - name: audit-policy-file mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes/audit-policy-file.yml" hostPath: "/etc/kubernetes/audit-policy-file.yml" pathType: "File" readOnly: true content: | # Log all requests at the Metadata level. apiVersion: audit.k8s.io/v1 kind: Policy rules: - level: Metadata - name: audit-log-path mountPath: "/var/log/kubernetes/audit/" hostPath: "/var/log/kubernetes/audit/" readOnly: false pathType: 'DirectoryOrCreate' scheduler_extra_volumes: - name: sch-admission-control-config-file mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes/admission-control-config-file.yml" hostPath: "/etc/kubernetes/admission-control-config-file.yml" pathType: "File" readOnly: true content: | apiVersion: kind: AdmissionConfiguration plugins: - name: PodNodeSelector path: /etc/kubernetes/podnodeselector.yaml - name: sch-pod-nodes-selector-plugin-config mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes/podnodeselector.yaml" hostPath: "/etc/kubernetes/podnodeselector.yaml" pathType: "File" readOnly: true content: | podNodeSelectorPluginConfig: clusterDefaultNodeSelector: name-of-node-selector namespace1: name-of-node-selector namespace2: name-of-node-selector - name: sch-audit-policy-file mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes/audit-policy-file.yml" hostPath: "/etc/kubernetes/audit-policy-file.yml" pathType: "File" readOnly: true content: | # Log all requests at the Metadata level. apiVersion: audit.k8s.io/v1 kind: Policy rules: - level: Metadata controllermanager_extra_volumes: - name: cm-admission-control-config-file mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes/admission-control-config-file.yml" hostPath: "/etc/kubernetes/admission-control-config-file.yml" pathType: "File" readOnly: true content: | apiVersion: apiserver.config.k8s.io/v1 kind: AdmissionConfiguration plugins: - name: PodNodeSelector path: /etc/kubernetes/podnodeselector.yaml - name: cm-pod-nodes-selector-plugin-config mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes/podnodeselector.yaml" hostPath: "/etc/kubernetes/podnodeselector.yaml" pathType: "File" readOnly: true content: | podNodeSelectorPluginConfig: clusterDefaultNodeSelector: name-of-node-selector namespace1: name-of-node-selector namespace2: name-of-node-selector - name: cm-audit-policy-file mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes/audit-policy-file.yml" hostPath: "/etc/kubernetes/audit-policy-file.yml" pathType: "File" readOnly: true content: | # Log all requests at the Metadata level. apiVersion: audit.k8s.io/v1 kind: Policy rules: - level: Metadata