.. sod1552673143944 .. _resynchronizing-a-host-to-the-ntp-server: ====================================== Resynchronize a Host to the NTP Server ====================================== If host synchronization is lost for any reason, you must lock and then unlock the host to restore the synchronization safely. If a large time discrepancy (greater than 1000 seconds, or about 17 minutes) develops between the clock time on a host and the time as reported by an |NTP| server, the **ntpd** service on the host stops, and Alarm 200.006 ( 'ntpd' process has failed) is logged in the Alarm Log and the Customer Log. This can occur if the clock on the host is inadvertently set incorrectly, or cannot access the |NTP| server for the correct time at initialization and defaults to an incorrect time. .. rubric:: |proc| .. _resynchronizing-a-host-to-the-ntp-server-steps-rl4-xmy-hkb: - To recover, lock and then unlock the host. .. caution:: Do not attempt to recover by restarting the **ntpd** service. This can cause problems for other running services. .. rubric:: |result| The time is automatically synchronized to the |NTP| server when the host is unlocked and alarm 200.006 for this host will be cleared.