.. yhg1552677278157 .. _changing-a-worker-host-performance-profile: ======================================== Change a Worker Host Performance Profile ======================================== Changing the performance profile assigned to a worker host is useful for adjusting low-latency resources on a |prod| system. .. rubric:: |proc| .. _changing-a-worker-host-performance-profile-steps-svz-glx-1z: #. Lock the host. Open the **Hosts** tab on the Host Inventory page, available from **Admin** \> **Platform** \> **Host Inventory** in the left-hand pane. Select **Lock Host** from the **Edit Host** drop-down menu in the Actions column. Wait until the host is reported as locked. #. Delete the host from the inventory. .. note:: Ensure that the host is **Online** so that its disk is erased when it is deleted from the inventory. This ensures that the host boots from the network when it is powered up for re-installation. If the host is not online when it is deleted from the inventory, you may need to force a network boot during re-installation. Select **Delete Host** from the **Edit Host** drop-down menu in the Actions column. #. Reinstall the host and select the desired performance profile. #. Assign a node label to the host to enable host selection during Application scheduling. .. From step 3 .. .. xbooklink For host installation instructions, refer to `Installation Overview `.