.. _configure-docker-registry-certificate-after-installation-c519edbfe90a: ===================================== Configure Docker Registry Certificate ===================================== .. rubric:: |context| The local Docker registry provides secure HTTPS access using the registry API. .. rubric:: |context| By default, a self-signed server certificate is generated at installation time for the registry API. For more secure access, an intermediate or Root CA-signed server certificate is strongly recommended. To configure or update the HTTPS certificate for the local Docker registry, create a certificate named ``system-registry-local-certificate`` in the ``deployment`` namespace. The ``secretName`` attribute of this certificate's spec must also be named ``system-registry-local-certificate``. See the example procedure below for creating the certificate for the local Docker registry. This example assumes you have configured a ``system-local-ca`` ClusterIssuer as described in :ref:`starlingx-rest-api-applications-and-the-web-admin-server-cert-9196c5794834`. Update the following fields: * The ``duration`` and ``renewBefore`` dates for the expiry and renewal times you desire. The system will automatically renew and re-install the certificate. * The ``subject`` fields to identify your particular system. * The ``ipAddresses`` with the |OAM| Floating IP Address and the MGMT Floating IP address for this system. Use the :command:`system addrpool-list` command to get the |OAM| floating IP Address and management floating IP Address for your system. * The ``dnsNames`` with ``registry.local``, ``registry.central`` and any |FQDN| names configured for this system's |OAM| Floating IP Address in an external DNS server. .. rubric:: |proc| #. Create the Docker certificate yaml configuration file. .. code-block:: ~(keystone_admin)]$ cat < docker-certificate.yaml --- apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1alpha2 kind: Certificate metadata: name: system-registry-local-certificate namespace: deployment spec: secretName: system-registry-local-certificate issuerRef: name: system-local-ca kind: ClusterIssuer duration: 2160h # 90d renewBefore: 360h # 15d subject: organizations: - ABC-Company organizationalUnits: - StarlingX-system-registry-local ipAddresses: - - dnsNames: - registry.local - registry.central - #. Apply the configuration. .. code-block:: ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl apply -f docker-certificate.yaml #. Verify the configuration. .. code-block:: ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl get certificate system-registry-local-certificate –n deployment If configuration was successful, the certificate’s Ready status will be ``True``. .. rubric:: |result| The Docker registry certificate installation is now complete, and Cert-Manager will handle the lifecycle management of the certificate.