.. akw1596720643112 .. _expose-a-generic-pci-device-for-use-by-vms: ========================================== Expose a Generic PCI Device for Use by VMs ========================================== You can configure generic |PCI|-passthrough or |SRIOV| devices \(i.e. not network interface devices/cards\) so that they are accessible to |VMs|. .. rubric:: |context| .. note:: For network cards, you must use the network interface settings to configure VM access. You can do this from either the |os-prod-hor| interface or the |CLI|. For more information, see :ref:`Configuring PCI Passthrough Ethernet Interfaces `. For generic |PCI|-passthrough or SR-IOV devices, you must .. _expose-a-generic-pci-device-for-use-by-vms-ul-zgb-zpc-fcb: - on each host where an instance of the device is installed, enable the device For this, you can use the |os-prod-hor| interface or the |CLI|. - assign a system-wide |PCI| alias to the device. For this, you must use the |CLI|. To enable devices and assign a |PCI| alias using the |CLI|, see :ref:`Exposing a Generic PCI Device Using the CLI `. .. rubric:: |prereq| To edit a device, you must first lock the host. .. rubric:: |proc| #. Select the **Devices** tab on the Host Detail page for the host. #. Click **Edit Device**. .. image:: /node_management/figures/jow1452530556357.png #. Update the information as required. **Name** Sets the system inventory name for the device. **Enabled** Controls whether the device is exposed for use by |VMs|. #. Repeat the above steps for other hosts where the same type of device is installed. #. Assign a |PCI| alias. The |PCI| alias is a system-wide setting. It is used for all devices of the same type across multiple hosts. For more information, see :ref:`Configuring a PCI Alias in Nova `. .. rubric:: |postreq| After completing the steps above, unlock the host. To access a device from a |VM|, you must configure a flavor with a reference to the |PCI| alias. For more information, see :ref:`Configuring a Flavor to Use a Generic PCI Device `.