Created 2 new topics:
Kubernetes user tutorials metrics server and kubernetes admin tutorials metrics server.
Source of information PDF file with both topics.
Input from PDF file 'Documentation Metrics Server' (file attached in Jira card)
Patch 1: completed review comments by Ron
Patch 2: fixed broken links and malformed hyperlink targets at the beginning of the document
implemented comment from review (Mary)
Patch 3: implemented changes from review comments (Ron)
Patch 4: added missing link for review
Patch 5: implemented changes received from Greg
Patch 6: implemented suggested changes by Greg
Patch 7: implemeneted suggested changes by Mary
Patch 8: removed empty spaces
Patch 9: removed trailing spaces
Patch 10: removed trailing spaces
Patch 11: acted on Ron's comments
Added 'release caveat'
Patch 13: corrected index and added prereq in user task after cherry-pick (Greg)
patch 14: corrected toc not showing 'metrics server'
Story: 2008457
Task: 42207
Signed-off-by: Adil <>
Change-Id: Ia64ab589844e9e11a06ac5b51d8a9cb1ccd1e986