Shuquan Huang: Candidate for StarlingX TSC Election Affiliation: 99Cloud My name is Shuquan Huang. I'm nominating myself to the election for StarlingX Technical Steering Committee. I started my OpenStack journey at its early days in 2011 and have been actively involved as technical contributor, speaker and track chair over the years. I'm one of the first StarlingX TSC members and have been contributing to the project since 2018. Edge computing is transforming our daily life and StarlingX is the technolgy to make it happen. It's my honor to serve the StarlingX community. Last year, I was focused on growing the developers by holding StarlingX workshops in various events, and enbling many users adapt StarlingX, such as China Unicom, China Telecom, China Tower, etc. It's exicted to see that StarlingX is confirmed as a top-level open infrastructure project. The confirmation of StarlingX is a critical step for the whole community towards the maturity of edge cloud infrastructure. My next goal is to continuously grow the community, remove the barriers to user adoption. Thank you for your consideration for me to continue serving StarlingX project. Shuquan Huang