================== starlingx/election ================== This repository contains StarlingX Elections reference documents and tooling to run elections. Election officials process ========================== The StarlingX election process is currently run manually by the election officials. We are considering to move to automated steps once the process is stablized. ============= TSC Elections ============= Selecting Election Dates ------------------------ Things to keep in mind when selecting election dates: * Allow for at least 48 hours between email deadline and polling beginning * Allow at least a week for nomination period Preparation ----------- As early as possible but at least a month before election starts: * Edit elections details (timeline, cycle timeframe): * Commit to update website * Update Release Schedule Preferably a couple of weeks before election starts * Send 'TSC Election Season' email TSC Candidacy Round ------------------- When TSC Candidacy starts: * Send 'TSC Nominations Kickoff' email During the TSC Candidacy round: * To +2 a candidate: * check candidate is a contributor * check filename is email address * cursory check the candidacy statement * check the affiliation information is in commit message * To +Workflow, check the previous +2 details A couple of days before the candidacy submission ends: * Send 'TSC Nominations Last Days' email When TSC Candidacy submission ends: * Send 'TSC End Nominations' email Once the email deadline is reached: * Ask the TSC secretary to tag the governance repository * Generate the electorate rolls TSC Election Round ------------------ When TSC Election begins: * Create CIVS page * Enable detailed ballot reporting * Upload rolls * Send 'TSC Voting Kickoff' Email A couple of days before the TSC Election ends: * Send 'TSC Voting Last Days' email When TSC Election ends: * Close the election * Choose the winners based on the available seats accumulating the affiliation requirement being no more than 2 members affiliated to the same company * Send 'TSC Results' email * Update reference/members in governance repository * Add new members to starlingx/governance/src/branch/master/reference/tsc/members * Commit change & push review * [Optional]Send 'TSC Election Statistics' =============== PL/TL Elections =============== TBD