// // Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Wind River Systems, Inc. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fmAPI.h" #include "fmConfig.h" #include "fmDbAPI.h" #include "fmDb.h" #include "fmDbUtils.h" #include "fmFile.h" #include "fmLog.h" #include "fmMsg.h" #include "fmSnmpConstants.h" #include "fmSnmpUtils.h" #include "fmSocket.h" #define JSON_TRAP_TAG_ALARM "alarm" #define JSON_TRAP_TAG_OP_TYPE "operation_type" #define JSON_TRAP_EMPTY "" typedef std::map int_to_objtype; static int_to_objtype objtype_map; static pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP; static void add_to_table(int t, std::string objtype, int_to_objtype &tbl) { tbl[t]=objtype; } static void init_objtype_table() { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); static bool has_inited=false; while (!has_inited){ add_to_table(FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_CLEAR, ALARM_MSG, objtype_map); add_to_table(FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_WARNING, ALARM_WARNING, objtype_map); add_to_table(FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_MINOR, ALARM_MINOR, objtype_map); add_to_table(FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_MAJOR, ALARM_MAJOR, objtype_map); add_to_table(FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, ALARM_CRITICAL, objtype_map); add_to_table(FM_ALARM_CLEAR, ALARM_CLEAR, objtype_map); add_to_table(FM_ALARM_HIERARCHICAL_CLEAR, ALARM_HIERARCHICAL_CLEAR, objtype_map); add_to_table(FM_ALARM_MESSAGE, ALARM_MSG, objtype_map); add_to_table(FM_WARM_START, WARM_START, objtype_map); has_inited=true; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } /** * This method creates a json trap with the operation type attribute. { "operation_type": "your_value", "alarm" : { } } * Returns the json object representing the new trap. */ struct json_object* init_json_trap(std::string op_type){ struct json_object *json_trap = json_object_new_object(); struct json_object *json_data_operation_type = json_object_new_string(op_type.c_str()); json_object_object_add(json_trap, JSON_TRAP_TAG_OP_TYPE, json_data_operation_type ); struct json_object *alarm_values = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(json_trap, JSON_TRAP_TAG_ALARM, alarm_values); return json_trap; } /** * This method adds new metadata given an json object that represents a trap. ie: Given the attributes object_type "v1", value "v2" the result will be this: { "operation_type": "alarm", "alarm" : { ... "v1": "v2" } } * The json object provided has the added metadata after the operation. */ void add_value_json_trap(struct json_object* json_trap, std::string obj_type, std::string value){ struct json_object *json_alarm_values = NULL; json_object_object_get_ex(json_trap, JSON_TRAP_TAG_ALARM, &json_alarm_values); struct json_object *json_value = json_object_new_string(value.c_str()); json_object_object_add(json_alarm_values, obj_type.c_str(), json_value); return; } /** This method opens an socket and writes a message given a server name, port number and the number of bytes of the message. Returns True if message is write succesfully else returns False. */ bool send_data(const char * server_name, int portno, const void * message, int message_len){ char addr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; static bool m_connected = false; static CFmSocket m_client; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *res = NULL; memset(&hints,0,sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; /* Allow IPv4 or IPv6 */ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; /* Datagram socket */ hints.ai_flags = 0; /* For wildcard IP address */ hints.ai_protocol = 0; /* Any protocol */ hints.ai_canonname = NULL; hints.ai_addr = NULL; hints.ai_next = NULL; bool result = false; int rc = getaddrinfo(server_name, NULL, &hints, &res); if (rc != 0) { FM_ERROR_LOG("ERROR failed to get SNMP trap server address info :%d", errno); } else { if (res->ai_family == AF_INET || res->ai_family==AF_INET6) { if(res->ai_family == AF_INET) { inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(((sockaddr_in*)res->ai_addr)->sin_addr), addr, sizeof(addr)); } else if (res->ai_family == AF_INET6) { inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &(((sockaddr_in6*)res->ai_addr)->sin6_addr), addr, sizeof(addr)); } m_connected = m_client.connect(addr, portno, res->ai_family); if (m_connected == true) { result = m_client.write_packet(message, message_len); if (result){ FM_INFO_LOG("SNMP sent data successfully"); } } else { FM_ERROR_LOG("ERROR failed to connect with SNMP trap server: %d", errno); } } } freeaddrinfo(res); return result; } static std::string get_trap_objtype(int type){ init_objtype_table(); return objtype_map[type]; } /** *This method creates a JSON string representing a trap from the attributes type and data. an example of a JSON string: { "operation_type": "alarm_type_from_type_arg", "alarm": { ... "obj_type1":"value1" "obj_type2":"value2" ... } } * Returns the JSON string created representing the trap. */ static std::string format_trap_json(int type, SFmAlarmDataT &data){ std::string operation_type = get_trap_objtype(type); struct json_object *result = init_json_trap(operation_type); std::string result_json; std::string time_str; if(operation_type.empty() || result == NULL){ return JSON_TRAP_EMPTY; } if (operation_type == ALARM_CLEAR){ add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_UUID, data.uuid); add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_ID, data.alarm_id); add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_INSTANCE_ID, data.entity_instance_id); fm_db_util_make_timestamp_string(time_str, data.timestamp, true); add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_DATE_TIME, time_str); add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_REASON_TEXT, data.reason_text); } else if (operation_type == ALARM_HIERARCHICAL_CLEAR){ add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_UUID, data.uuid); add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_INSTANCE_ID, data.entity_instance_id); fm_db_util_make_timestamp_string(time_str, 0, true); add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_DATE_TIME, time_str); add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_REASON_TEXT, CLEAR_REASON_TEXT); } else if (operation_type == ALARM_MSG){ add_value_json_trap(result, EVENT_UUID, data.uuid); add_value_json_trap(result, EVENT_ID, data.alarm_id); add_value_json_trap(result, EVENT_INSTANCE_ID, data.entity_instance_id); fm_db_util_make_timestamp_string(time_str, data.timestamp, true); add_value_json_trap(result, EVENT_DATE_TIME, time_str); add_value_json_trap(result, EVENT_SEVERITY, fm_db_util_int_to_string(data.severity)); add_value_json_trap(result, EVENT_REASON_TEXT, data.reason_text); add_value_json_trap(result, EVENT_EVENT_TYPE, fm_db_util_int_to_string(data.alarm_type)); add_value_json_trap(result, EVENT_CAUSE, fm_db_util_int_to_string(data.probable_cause)); add_value_json_trap(result, EVENT_SERVICE_AFFECTING, fm_db_util_int_to_string(data.service_affecting)); } else if (operation_type == WARM_START){ // nothing to add to cmd } else { add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_UUID, data.uuid); add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_ID, data.alarm_id); add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_INSTANCE_ID, data.entity_instance_id ); fm_db_util_make_timestamp_string(time_str, data.timestamp, true); add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_DATE_TIME, time_str); add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_SEVERITY, fm_db_util_int_to_string(data.severity)); add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_REASON_TEXT, data.reason_text); add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_EVENT_TYPE, fm_db_util_int_to_string(data.alarm_type)); add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_CAUSE, fm_db_util_int_to_string(data.probable_cause)); add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_REPAIR_ACTION, data.proposed_repair_action); add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_SERVICE_AFFECTING, fm_db_util_int_to_string(data.service_affecting)); add_value_json_trap(result, ALARM_SUPPRESSION, fm_db_util_int_to_string(data.suppression)); } result_json = std::string(json_object_to_json_string_ext(result, JSON_C_TO_STRING_SPACED | JSON_C_TO_STRING_PRETTY)); int freed_json = json_object_put(result); FM_DEBUG_LOG("JSON freed succesfully: %d", freed_json); return result_json; } /** This method sends a JSON string representing the trap to a trap server listening in a specific port. The server name and port are readed from fm.conf file. */ bool fm_snmp_util_gen_trap(int type, SFmAlarmDataT &data) { bool send_json_success = false; std::string eid = ""; std::string trap_server_ip = ""; std::string trap_server_port = ""; std::string trap_server_snmp_enabled = ""; std::string key_ip = FM_TRAP_SERVER_IP; std::string key_port = FM_TRAP_SERVER_PORT; std::string key_enabled = FM_TRAP_SNMP_ENABLED; std::string json_trap = ""; if (get_trap_objtype(type) != WARM_START) { eid.assign(data.entity_instance_id); std::string region_name = fm_db_util_get_region_name(); std::string sys_name = fm_db_util_get_system_name(); if (sys_name.length() != 0){ eid = sys_name + "."+ eid; } if (region_name.length() != 0){ eid = region_name + "."+ eid; } strncpy(data.entity_instance_id, eid.c_str(), sizeof(data.entity_instance_id)-1); } if (!fm_get_config_key(key_ip, trap_server_ip)) { FM_ERROR_LOG("Fail to get config value for (%s)\n", key_ip.c_str()); return false; }; if (!fm_get_config_key(key_port, trap_server_port)){ FM_ERROR_LOG("Fail to get config value for (%s)\n", key_port.c_str()); return false; }; if (!fm_get_config_key(key_enabled, trap_server_snmp_enabled)){ FM_ERROR_LOG("Fail to get config value for (%s)\n", key_enabled.c_str()); return false; }; if (trap_server_snmp_enabled == "1"){ json_trap = format_trap_json(type, data); if(json_trap.empty()){ FM_ERROR_LOG("ERROR creating SNMP trap with type: %d", type); return false; } send_json_success = send_data(trap_server_ip.c_str(), atoi(trap_server_port.c_str()), json_trap.c_str(), json_trap.length()); if(send_json_success){ FM_INFO_LOG("SNMP trap metadata sent succesfully %s %d", json_trap.c_str(), json_trap.length()); } else { FM_ERROR_LOG("ERROR failed to send SNMP trap metadata %s %d", json_trap.c_str(), json_trap.length()); } }else{ FM_INFO_LOG("Fail to send SNMP trap metadata because snmp_trap_enabled" " is not setted as 1, actual value: %s \n", trap_server_snmp_enabled.c_str()); return false; } return send_json_success; } static bool fm_snmp_get_db_connection(std::string &connection){ const char *fn = "/etc/fm/fm.conf"; std::string key = FM_SQL_CONNECTION; fm_conf_set_file(fn); return fm_get_config_key(key, connection); } extern "C" { bool fm_snmp_util_create_session(TFmAlarmSessionT *handle, const char* db_conn){ std::string conn; CFmDBSession *sess = new CFmDBSession; if (sess==NULL) return false;; if (db_conn == NULL){ if (fm_snmp_get_db_connection(conn) != true){ FM_ERROR_LOG("Fail to get db connection uri\n"); delete sess; return false; } db_conn = conn.c_str(); } if (sess->connect(db_conn) != true){ FM_ERROR_LOG("Fail to connect to (%s)\n", db_conn); delete sess; return false; } *handle = sess; return true; } void fm_snmp_util_destroy_session(TFmAlarmSessionT handle) { CFmDBSession *sess = (CFmDBSession *)handle; if (sess != NULL){ delete sess; } } bool fm_snmp_util_get_all_alarms(TFmAlarmSessionT handle, SFmAlarmQueryT *query) { assert(handle!=NULL); CFmDbAlarmOperation op; fm_db_result_t res; CFmDBSession &sess = *((CFmDBSession*)handle); if (!op.get_all_alarms(sess, &(query->alarm), &(query->num))) return false; return true; } bool fm_snmp_util_get_all_event_logs(TFmAlarmSessionT handle, SFmAlarmQueryT *query) { assert(handle!=NULL); CFmDbEventLogOperation op; fm_db_result_t res; CFmDBSession &sess = *((CFmDBSession*)handle); if (!op.get_all_event_logs(sess, &(query->alarm), &(query->num))) return false; return true; } }