This change reorganizes the source directories of the stx-fm-rest-api container to be reused by both CentOS and Debian Dockerfiles in order to build the images having the corresponding OS-specic base. As part of this, the fm-api, fm-rest-api, fm-common and python-fmclient packages have been ported in order to generate deb files that contain .whl. Test plan: PASS: Build debian iso and perform fresh install. Verify fm commands are working as expected. PASS: Build python3 wheels tarball on Debian. Verify fm, fm_api, fm_core and fmclient .whl files are added. PASS: Build Debian-based container and push it to a public registry. Apply openstack application and update the fm-rest-api url to pull this new image. Verify that: - pods are up and running with the new image/tag specified. - the container is running on Debian. - from inside the container, fm querys are working as expected. Story: 2009831 Task: 46634 Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/c/starlingx/config/+/862498 Signed-off-by: Enzo Candotti <enzo.candotti@windriver.com> Change-Id: I2b35139f8775141e39f97a5a6037c5de2b4d5d76
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