Charles Short 7b127659e5 Add debian package infra for fm-api
Add debian packaging infrastructure for fm-api
so we can create a debian packaging for it.

Also update the directory layout due to limitations
of the STX tool. Update the centos build information
to reflect the new layout.

Story: 2009101
Task: 43091

Signed-off-by: Charles Short <>
Change-Id: I5c9784647581f31384d7475f596663adc0d26498
2021-09-27 12:53:01 -04:00

360 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Author:
import copy
from . import constants
import six
import fm_core # pylint: disable=import-error
import threading
fm_api_lock = threading.Lock()
class ClientException(Exception):
class APIException(Exception):
# Fields explanation:
# alarm_id: a text string of the alarm identifier
# alarm_state: see ALARM_STATE
# entity_type_id: type of the object raising alarm.
# entity_instance_id: instance information of the object raising alarm.
# severity: see ALARM_SEVERITY
# reason_text: free-format string providing description and additional details
# on the alarm. Optional.
# alarm_type: see ALARM_TYPE
# probable_cause: see ALARM_PROBABLE_CAUSE
# proposed_repair_action:free-format string providing additional details on
# how to clear the alarm. Optional.
# service_affecting: true/false, default to false
# suppression: true/false (allowed/not-allowed), default to false
# uuid: unique identifier of an active alarm instance, filled by FM system
# Timestamp: when the alarm has been raised/updated, filled by FM system
# See CGCS FM Guide for the alarm model specification
class Fault(object):
def __init__(self, alarm_id, alarm_state, entity_type_id,
entity_instance_id, severity, reason_text,
alarm_type, probable_cause, proposed_repair_action,
service_affecting=False, suppression=False,
uuid=None, timestamp=None):
self.alarm_id = alarm_id
self.alarm_state = alarm_state
self.entity_type_id = self._unicode(entity_type_id)
self.entity_instance_id = self._unicode(entity_instance_id)
self.severity = severity
self.reason_text = self._unicode(reason_text)
self.alarm_type = alarm_type
self.probable_cause = probable_cause
self.proposed_repair_action = self._unicode(proposed_repair_action)
self.service_affecting = service_affecting
self.suppression = suppression
self.uuid = uuid
self.timestamp = timestamp
def as_dict(self):
return copy.copy(self.__dict__)
def _unicode(value):
if six.PY2 and isinstance(value, str):
return six.text_type(value.decode('utf-8'))
return value
class FaultAPIsBase(object):
def _check_val(data):
if data is None:
return " "
return data
def _alarm_to_str(self, data):
sep = constants.FM_CLIENT_STR_SEP
return (sep + self._check_val(data.uuid) + sep + data.alarm_id + sep +
data.alarm_state + sep + data.entity_type_id + sep +
data.entity_instance_id + sep +
self._check_val(data.timestamp) +
sep + data.severity + sep + self._check_val(data.reason_text) +
sep + data.alarm_type + sep + data.probable_cause + sep +
self._check_val(data.proposed_repair_action) + sep +
str(data.service_affecting) + sep +
str(data.suppression) + sep)
def _str_to_alarm(alarm_str):
line = alarm_str.split(constants.FM_CLIENT_STR_SEP)
if len(line) < constants.MAX_ALARM_ATTRIBUTES:
return None
data = Fault(line[constants.FM_ALARM_ID_INDEX],
return data
def _check_required_attributes(data):
if data.alarm_id is None:
raise ClientException("Alarm id is is required.")
if data.alarm_state is None:
raise ClientException("Alarm state is required.")
if data.severity is None:
raise ClientException("Severity is required.")
if data.alarm_type is None:
raise ClientException("Alarm type is required.")
if data.probable_cause is None:
raise ClientException("Probable Cause is required.")
if data.entity_type_id is None:
raise ClientException("Entity type id is required.")
if data.entity_instance_id is None:
raise ClientException("Entity instance id is required.")
def _validate_attributes(data):
""" Validate the attributes
only applies to Telco specific attributes"""
if data.alarm_state not in constants.ALARM_STATE:
raise ClientException("Invalid Fault State: %s" %
if data.severity not in constants.ALARM_SEVERITY:
raise ClientException("Invalid Fault Severity: %s" %
if data.alarm_type not in constants.ALARM_TYPE:
raise ClientException("Invalid Fault Type: %s" %
if data.probable_cause not in constants.ALARM_PROBABLE_CAUSE:
raise ClientException("Invalid Fault Probable Cause: %s" %
def alarm_allowed(alarm_severity, threshold):
def severity_to_int(severity):
if severity == 'none':
return 5
elif severity == constants.FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_CRITICAL:
return 4
elif severity == constants.FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_MAJOR:
return 3
elif severity == constants.FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_MINOR:
return 2
elif severity == constants.FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_WARNING:
return 1
given = severity_to_int(alarm_severity)
threshold = severity_to_int(threshold)
if given < threshold:
return True
return False
class FaultAPIs(FaultAPIsBase):
def set_fault(self, data):
with fm_api_lock:
buff = self._alarm_to_str(data)
return fm_core.set(buff)
except (RuntimeError, SystemError, TypeError):
return None
def clear_fault(self, alarm_id, entity_instance_id):
with fm_api_lock:
sep = constants.FM_CLIENT_STR_SEP
buff = (sep + self._check_val(alarm_id) + sep +
self._check_val(entity_instance_id) + sep)
resp = fm_core.clear(buff)
# resp may be True/False/None after FaultAPIsV2
# implementation.
# To keep FaultAPIs the same as before,
# return False for None case.
if resp is True:
return True
return False
except (RuntimeError, SystemError, TypeError):
return False
def get_fault(self, alarm_id, entity_instance_id):
with fm_api_lock:
sep = constants.FM_CLIENT_STR_SEP
buff = (sep + self._check_val(alarm_id) + sep +
self._check_val(entity_instance_id) + sep)
resp = fm_core.get(buff)
if resp:
return self._str_to_alarm(resp)
except (RuntimeError, SystemError, TypeError):
return None
def clear_all(self, entity_instance_id):
with fm_api_lock:
resp = fm_core.clear_all(entity_instance_id)
# resp may be True/False/None after FaultAPIsV2
# implementation.
# To keep FaultAPIs the same as before,
# return False for None case.
if resp is True:
return True
return False
except (RuntimeError, SystemError, TypeError):
return False
def get_faults(self, entity_instance_id):
with fm_api_lock:
resp = fm_core.get_by_eid(entity_instance_id)
if resp:
data = []
for i in resp:
return data
except (RuntimeError, SystemError, TypeError):
return None
def get_faults_by_id(self, alarm_id):
with fm_api_lock:
resp = fm_core.get_by_aid(alarm_id)
if resp:
data = []
for i in resp:
return data
except (RuntimeError, SystemError, TypeError):
return None
class FaultAPIsV2(FaultAPIsBase):
# Input: alarm data
# Return: Success: uuid for the alarm
# Exception: 1. Input Alarm format is not valid
# 2. When there is operation failure
def set_fault(self, data):
with fm_api_lock:
buff = self._alarm_to_str(data)
uuid = fm_core.set(buff)
if uuid is None:
raise APIException("Failed to execute set_fault.")
return uuid
# Input: alarm_id, entity_instance_id
# Return: Success: True
# Alarm doesn't exist: False
# Exception: When there is operation failure
def clear_fault(self, alarm_id, entity_instance_id):
with fm_api_lock:
sep = constants.FM_CLIENT_STR_SEP
buff = (sep + self._check_val(alarm_id) + sep +
self._check_val(entity_instance_id) + sep)
resp = fm_core.clear(buff)
if resp is False:
# There is operation failure
raise APIException("Failed to execute clear_fault.")
elif resp is None:
# alarm is not found
return False
return True
# Input: alarm_id, entity_instance_id
# Return: Success: Alarm
# Alarm doesn't exist: None
# Exception: When there is operation failure
def get_fault(self, alarm_id, entity_instance_id):
with fm_api_lock:
sep = constants.FM_CLIENT_STR_SEP
buff = (sep + self._check_val(alarm_id) + sep +
self._check_val(entity_instance_id) + sep)
resp = fm_core.get(buff)
if resp is False:
raise APIException("Failed to execute get_fault.")
return self._str_to_alarm(resp) if resp else None
# Input: entity_instance_id
# Return: Success: True
# Alarm doesn't exist: False
# Exception: When there is operation failure
def clear_all(self, entity_instance_id):
with fm_api_lock:
resp = fm_core.clear_all(entity_instance_id)
if resp is False:
# There is operation failure
raise APIException("Failed to execute clear_all.")
elif resp is None:
# alarm is not found
return False
return True
# Input: entity_instance_id
# Return: Success: Alarm list
# Alarm doesn't exist: None
# Exception: When there is operation failure
def get_faults(self, entity_instance_id):
with fm_api_lock:
resp = fm_core.get_by_eid(entity_instance_id)
if resp is False:
raise APIException("Failed to execute get_faults.")
elif resp:
data = []
for i in resp:
return data
return None
# Input: alarm_id
# Return: Success: Alarm list
# Alarm doesn't exist: None
# Exception: When there is operation failure
def get_faults_by_id(self, alarm_id):
with fm_api_lock:
resp = fm_core.get_by_aid(alarm_id)
if resp is False:
raise APIException("Failed to execute get_faults_by_id.")
elif resp:
data = []
for i in resp:
return data
return None