# engtools configuration # You may comment out any unwanted fields under the Intervals section, but do not comment out any other configuration options as the python parsing utility will complain. Please follow the comments [LabConfiguration] # Set this option to Y/N depending on the setup of your lab CPE_LAB=N [LiveStream] # Set this option to Y/N before patch creation to enable/disable live stats collection ENABLE_LIVE_STREAM=Y # Set the duration of the live stream capture utility. Leave blank for continuous collection. Ex: 1s,1m,1h,1d DURATION= [StaticCollection] # Set this option to Y/N before patch creation to enable/disable static stats collection ENABLE_STATIC_COLLECTION=N [CollectInternal] # controller external OAM interface used to communicate with remote server. If unset, the first interface from ifconfig will be used CONTROLLER0_EXTERNAL_INTERFACE= CONTROLLER1_EXTERNAL_INTERFACE= [RemoteServer] # remote server influx and grafana info INFLUX_IP= INFLUX_PORT=8086 INFLUX_DB= GRAFANA_PORT=3000 # This key is created through Grafana. If deleted, a new key (with admin privileges) must be created and copied here GRAFANA_API_KEY=eyJrIjoiSkR1SXcxbkVVckd1dW9PMHFKS0EzQ2hQWTd1YUhtSkIiLCJuIjoiZGJfY3JlYXRvciIsImlkIjoxfQ== [Intervals] # Set the collection interval (in seconds) to be used in the live_stream.py script. If unset or commented out, that field will not be collected memtop=10 memstats=10 occtop=10 schedtop=10 load_avg=3 cpu_count=60 diskstats=30 iostat=10 filestats=30 netstats=10 postgres=30 rabbitmq=3600 vswitch=120 api_requests=5 [AdditionalOptions] # Set this option to Y/N to enable/disable Openstack API GET/POST collection API_REQUESTS=Y # Set this option to Y/N to enable/disable the collection of all services and not just the ones listed below. Note that this hasn't been tested thoroughly ALL_SERVICES=N # Set this option to Y/N to enable/disable fast postgres connections collection. By default, postgres connections use the same collection interval as postgres DB size (set above), this option will set the collection interval to 0 seconds while not affecting the above postgres collection interval FAST_POSTGRES_CONNECTIONS=N # Set this option to Y/N to enable/disable automatic database deletion for InfluxDB and Grafana. As of now, this feature does not work with the engtools patch AUTO_DELETE_DB=N [ControllerServices] CONTROLLER_SERVICE_LIST=aodh-api aodh-listener aodh-notifier aodh-evaluator barbican-api barbican-keystone-listener barbican-worker beam.smp ceilometer-api ceilometer-collector ceilometer-agent-notification ceilometer-mem-db ceph-mon mgr-restful-plugin ceph-alarm-manager cinder-api cinder-volume cinder-scheduler glance-api glance-registry gnocchi-api gnocchi-metricd heat-api heat-engine heat-api-cfn heat-api-cloudwatch hbsAgent ironic-api ironic-conductor magnum-api magnum-conductor neutron-server nova-api nova-api-proxy nova-compute nova-scheduler nova-conductor nova-console-auth nova-novncproxy nova-placement-api panko-api sysinv-api sysinv-conductor postgres fmManager rabbitmq-server gunicorn postgres snmpd patch-alarm-manager lighttpd sw-patch-controller-daemon nfv-vim nfv-vim-api nfv-vim-webserver slapd mtcAgent guestAgent dcmanager-api dcmanager-manager dcorch-engine dcorch-patch-api-proxy dcorch-snmp dcorch-sysinv-api-proxy memcached influxd [ComputeServices] COMPUTE_SERVICE_LIST=nova-compute neutron-dhcp-agent neutron-metadata-agent neutron-sriov-nic-agent kvm libvirtd guestServer host_agent dmeventd virtlockd [StorageServices] STORAGE_SERVICE_LIST=ceph-mon ceph-osd ceph-manager mgr-restful-plugin [RabbitmqServices] RABBITMQ_QUEUE_LIST=notifications.info versioned_notifications.info [CommonServices] COMMON_SERVICE_LIST=dnsmasq ceilometer-polling haproxy hwmond pmond fsmond sw-patch-agent sysinv-agent syslog-ng hostwd iscsid io-monitor-manager acpid hbsClient logmgmt mtcClient mtcalarmd mtclogd sshd ntpd ptp4l phc2sys smartd sm sm-eru sm-watchdog sm-api ceilometer keyring cinder-rtstool tuned polkitd lldpd IPaddr2 dnsmasq systemd-udevd systemd-journald logrotate collectd [StaticServices] STATIC_SERVICE_LIST=occtop memtop schedtop top.sh iostat.sh netstats.sh diskstats.sh memstats.sh filestats.sh ceph.sh postgres.sh rabbitmq.sh vswitch.sh [OpenStackServices] OPEN_STACK_SERVICE_LIST=nova cinder aodh barbican ceilometer heat glance ceph horizon keystone puppet sysinv neutron nova_api postgres panko nova_cell0 magnum ironic murano gnocchi [SkipList] SKIP_LIST=ps top sh curl awk wc sleep lsof cut grep ip tail su [ExcludeList] EXCLUDE_LIST=python python2 bash perl sudo init [ApiStatsConstantPorts] DB_PORT_NUMBER=5432 RABBIT_PORT_NUMBER=5672 # The api stats data structure has three fields: the name displayed in ps -ef, the name displayed in lsof -Pn -i tcp and the specific api port of the service. [ApiStatsServices] API_STATS_STRUCTURE=ironic-conductor;ironic-co;|ironic-api;ironic-ap;6485|radosgw-swift;radosgw;8|magnum-conductor;magnum-co;|magnum-api;magnum-ap;9511|murano-api;murano-ap;8082|murano-engine;murano-en;|keystone-public;gunicorn;5000|openstack_dashboard.wsgi;gunicorn;8080|gnocchi-api;gunicorn;8041|aodh-api;gunicorn;8042|panko-api;gunicorn;8977|sysinv-conductor;sysinv-co ;|neutron-server;neutron-s;9696|nova-conductor;nova-cond ;|sysinv-agent;sysinv-ag;|sysinv-api;sysinv-ap;6385|nova-api;nova-api ;18774|cinder-api;cinder-a;8776|glance-api;glance-a;9292|vim;nfv-vim;4545|heat-api;heat-a;8004|heat-engine;heat-e;8004|barbican-api;gunicorn;9311